Page 3 - Relocation Magazine w Table of contents
P. 3

Table of Contents

         Best cities                                                     10 Reasons to live in the Treasure Valley  2
                                                                                              Meet Helen Carnie
                                                                                             The Treasure Valley
         in the U.S.                                                                       Geography & Climate 10
                                                                                            Boise by the Season
         to move to                                                          COMMUnITIES OF THE TREASURE VALLEY  14
                                                                                                     Boise  +
         right now.                                                                               Meridian  +    22
                                                                                                     Eagle  +
                                                                                                     Kuna  +     30
                                                                                                      Star  +    34
         “Boasting a beautiful                                                                      nampa  +     38
         setting—nestled in the                                                                   Caldwell  +    42

         high desert, bisected by                                                               Middleton  +     46
                                                                                                   Emmett  +
         the Boise River, and green
         enough to be called the                                                                Adventure Time 54
         City of Trees—Idaho’s                                                     Family Fun / nearby Activities 60
         largest city doesn’t need                                                               Arts & Culture  77
                                                                                                     EDUCATIOn 80
         anything, or anybody, to                                                    Public School Districts +   81
         sell itself.”                                                                      Private Schools +    82

                        Curbed: The 10 best cities in the                                   Homeschooling +      84
                              U.S. to move to right now                                       HIGHER EDUCATIOn 86
                                                                                      Boise State University +   87
                                                                                   University of Idaho Boise +   87
                                                                            Idaho State University Meridian +    88
                                                                             northwest nazarene University +     88
                                                                                           College of Idaho +    89
                                                                            College of Osteopathic Medicine +    89
                                                                                         Boise Bible College +   90
                                                                                   College of Western Idaho +    90
          A PRODUCT OF THE InTERnET CZAR                                                   REGIOnAL HEALTHCARE 91
                      Researcher/Writer                                                       Telecommuting      94
                      Karen Iddings                                                       Economic Snapshot      95
                                                                                           national Accolades    96
               Special Contributing Photographers
                     Jonathan Henry
                     Michelle K Wood
                      Tabby Powell
        The Boise & Surrounding Valley Relocation Magazine is researched and written by The Internet Czar.  All material in this publication
        are copyright protected and may not be copied for use in other publications without the written permission of The Internet Czar.  All
        photography is copyrighted by their respective owners and licensed by The Internet Czar through or as otherwise noted.
        Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained herein, but accuracy is not guaranteed.
        Contact information for The Internet Czar: 104 E. Fairvew Ave., #357, Meridian, Idaho 83642 |
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