Page 148 - Medical Parasitology_ A Textbook ( PDFDrive )
P. 148
Blood Flukes 141
Katayama fever is similar to that seen in S. mansoni. Intestinal manifestations
are colicky abdominal pain and dysentery. Patient may also develop anaemia.
There is hepatomegaly with periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension.
Similar to that of S. mansoni
Praziquantel (60 mg/kg/day orally in 3 divided doses for 1 day) is the drug of choice.
Prevention and Control
Similar to that of S. haematobium
Schistosoma intercalatum
This species, first recognized in 1934 is found in West and Central Africa. The fully
embryonated eggs with terminal spines are passed in stool. Human acquires infec-
tion through penetration of skin by cercariae. The adults are found in the mesenteric
venules of the colon. The disease produced in human is relatively benign. Diagnosis
is made by the detection of eggs in faeces and rectal biopsy. Praziquantel (40 mg/
kg/day orally in 2 divided doses for 1 day) is the drug of choice.
Schistosoma mekongi
This species was first recognized in 1978 and is found in Thailand, Laos and
Cambodia. It is closely related to S. japonicum but S. mekongi eggs are smaller
and have a small lateral spine. The adult worms are found in the mesenteric
venules. Human and dog are the definitive hosts. Human acquires infection
through penetration of skin by cercariae. It produces a mild disease in humans.
Praziquantel (60 mg/kg/day orally in 3 divided doses for 1 day) is the drug of
Schistosomal Dermatitis
Schistosomes of birds and semiaquatic mammals produce cercariae that are capable
of penetrating human skin but cannot develop into adults. Humans may present with
dermatitis which is frequently more severe than the dermatitis produced by human