Page 150 - Medical Parasitology_ A Textbook ( PDFDrive )
P. 150

Liver Flukes                                                    143

                                  Metacercariae in flesh or
                                  skin of fresh water fish are
                                  ingested by human host.
                                           4        i
                                                                 i  = Infective Stage
                     Free-swimming cercariae                     d  = Diagnostic Stage
                     encyst in the skin or flesh
                     of fresh water fish.  3
                                                                   5  Excyst in

                        Eggs are ingested
                        by the snail.  2

                                                                   Adults in
            Miracidia Sporocysts Rediae  Cercariae  1  Embryonated eggs  biliary duct
              2a     2b     2c    2d         passed in faeces.
            Fig. 12.6  Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis (Reproduced from

              Pathogenesis and Clinical Features
            In endemic areas, most infected persons are asymptomatic. The migration of the
            larva up the bile duct induces desquamation, followed by hyperplasia and adenoma-
            tous changes. The adult worm may cause obstruction of the common bile duct caus-
            ing cholangitis.  Acute presentations are fever, epigastric pain, diarrhoea and
            hepatomegaly. Chronic infection may result in calculus formation. Some patients
            may progress to biliary cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Clonorchiasis has been
            associated with cholangiocarcinoma.

              1.  Microscopic examination
                 Detection of eggs in faeces or aspirated bile. Identification of adult worm
              extracted during surgical treatment.
              2.  Serodiagnosis
                 Not very useful because of cross reaction against other trematodes.

            Drug of choice is praziquantel (75 mg/kg/day orally, 3 doses per day for 2 days).
            Surgical intervention in cases of obstructive jaundice.
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