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CHAPTER 7  Cholinoceptor-Activating & Cholinesterase-Inhibiting Drugs         123

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                       C ASE  STUD Y  ANSWER

                       The patient’s presentation is characteristic of poisoning by   confusion) subside. To treat nicotinic excess, infuse 2-PAM
                       organophosphate cholinesterase inhibitors (see Chapter 58).   (initially a 1–2% solution in 15–30 minutes) followed by infu-
                       Ask the coworker if he can identify the agent used. Decontami-  sion of 1% solution (200–500 mg/h) until muscle fasciculations
                       nate the patient by removal of clothing and washing affected   cease. Respiratory support is required because 2-PAM does not
                       areas. Ensure an open airway and ventilate with oxygen. For   enter the central nervous system and may not reactivate “aged”
                       muscarinic  effects,  administer  atropine  (0.5–5  mg)  intrave-  organophosphate-cholinesterase  complex.  If  needed,  decon-
                       nously until signs of muscarinic excess (dyspnea, lacrimation,   taminate the coworker and isolate all contaminated clothing.
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