Page 70 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
P. 70

4                       Drug Biotransformation
                         C  H   A  P   T  E  R

                                                     Maria Almira Correia, PhD

                   C ASE  STUD Y

                   A 40-year-old woman presents to the emergency department   reveal abnormal liver function as indicated by the increased
                   of her local hospital somewhat disoriented, complaining of   indices: alkaline phosphatase 302 (41–133),  alanine amino-
                   midsternal chest pain, abdominal pain, shaking, and vomiting   transferase (ALT) 351 (7–56),  aspartate aminotransferase
                   for 2 days. She admits to having taken a “handful” of Lorcet   (AST) 1045 (0–35),  bilirubin 3.33 mg/dL (0.1–1.2),  and pro-
                   (hydrocodone/acetaminophen, an opioid/nonopioid analgesic   thrombin time of 19.8 seconds (11–15).  In addition, plasma
                   combination), Soma (carisoprodol, a centrally acting muscle   bicarbonate is reduced, and she has ~45% reduced glomerular
                   relaxant), and Cymbalta (duloxetine HCl, an antidepressant/  filtration rate from the normal value at her age, elevated serum
                   antifibromyalgia agent) 2 days earlier. On physical examina-  creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, markedly reduced blood
                   tion, the sclera of her eyes shows yellow discoloration. Labora-  glucose of 35 mg/dL, and a plasma acetaminophen concentra-
                   tory analyses of blood drawn within an hour of her admission   tion of 75 mcg/mL (10–20).  Her serum titer is significantly
                                                                     positive for hepatitis C virus (HCV). Given these data, how
                   * Normal values are in parentheses.               would you proceed with the management of this case?

                 Humans are exposed daily to a wide variety of foreign compounds   drugs and other environmental xenobiotics. Renal excretion plays
                 called xenobiotics—substances absorbed across the lungs or skin   a pivotal role in terminating the biologic activity of some drugs,
                 or, more commonly, ingested either unintentionally as compounds   particularly those that have small molecular volumes or possess
                 present in food and drink or deliberately as drugs for therapeutic   polar characteristics, such as functional groups that are fully ion-
                 or “recreational” purposes. Exposure to environmental xenobiotics   ized at physiologic pH. However, many drugs do not possess such
                 may be inadvertent and accidental or—when they are present as   physicochemical properties. Pharmacologically active organic
                 components of air, water, and food—inescapable. Some xenobiot-  molecules tend to be lipophilic and remain unionized or only
                 ics are innocuous, but many can provoke biologic responses. Such   partially ionized at physiologic pH; these are readily reabsorbed
                 biologic responses often depend on conversion of the absorbed   from the glomerular filtrate in the nephron. Certain lipophilic
                 substance into an active metabolite. The discussion that follows is   compounds are often strongly bound to plasma proteins and may
                 applicable to xenobiotics in general (including drugs) and to some   not be readily filtered at the glomerulus. Consequently, most
                 extent to endogenous compounds.                     drugs would have a prolonged duration of action if termination
                                                                     of their action depended solely on renal excretion.
                 WHY IS DRUG BIOTRANSFORMATION                          An alternative process that can lead to the termination or
                 NECESSARY?                                          alteration of biologic activity is metabolism. In general, lipophilic
                                                                     xenobiotics are transformed to more polar and hence more readily
                 The mammalian drug biotransformation systems are thought to   excreted products. The role that metabolism plays in the inactiva-
                 have first evolved from the need to detoxify and eliminate plant   tion of lipid-soluble drugs can be quite dramatic. For example,
                 and bacterial bioproducts and toxins, which later extended to   lipophilic barbiturates such as thiopental and pentobarbital would

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