Page 103 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Blood (Intracellular) and Other Tissue Protozoa   83

                   of both. A microscopic examination for evidence of the   LEISHMANIA MEXICANA
                   oval amastigote forms in tissue macrophages are direct   COMPLEX (NEW WORLD
                   evidence of infection. For the various species of Leishma-
                   nia, isoenzyme studies and molecular diagnostic proce-  CUTANEOUS LEISHMANIASIS)
                   dures may be utilized. A skin test called the Montenegro
                                                                    New World leishmaniasis is found from southern Texas
                   (Leishmania) skin test is used to screen large numbers
                                                                    through Mexico and Central and South America and
                   of individuals in endemic areas and is a delayed hyper-
                                                                    is disseminated by a number of animal vectors. The
                   sensitivity test similar to that of the PPD for tuberculosis.
                                                                    species diagnosed in these regions are: Leishmania
                   The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has
                                                                    Mexicana, Leishmania pifanoi, Leishmania pifanoi,
                   a noncommercial serologic test not in general use that in-
                                                                    Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania venezuelensis,
                   cludes an indirect fluorescent antibody assay.
                                                                    and Leishmania garnhami. The treatment and pre-
                                                                    vention of these strains are similar to the organisms re-
                   Treatment and Prevention                         sponsible for Old World leishmaniasis. Morphological
                                                                    forms are similar for both Old World and New World
                   Antimonial medications are often effective by intramus-
                                                                    leishmaniasis as well as the transmission, pathogenesis,
                   cular injections for 10 days. Resistant infections may
                                                                    and identification of the two types with a few notable
                   require repeated treatments. Amphotericin B and an
                                                                    exceptions. The following tables list the basic data for
                   antifungal preparation called ketoconazole may provide
                                                                    differentiation of each species of the various types of
                   effective treatment if patients suffer from prolonged
                                                                    Leishmania (see Tables 4-2, 4-3, 4-4).
                       Prevention is accomplished through controlling
                   sand fly populations by destroying the vectors and by   MALARIA
                   controlling rodents in endemic areas where the sand flies
                   may also find hosts. In addition, individuals infected with   Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases
                   Leishmania organisms should be quickly treated to pre-  in the world, and its history extends into ancient history,
                   vent further transmission to other humans from insects   no doubt impacting the migration of humans about the
                   that bite the victim and then transmit the organisms to   world. The disease in humans is caused by four spe-
                   others, leading to a significant and rapid increase in the   cies of the genus Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. vivax,
                   number of cases of the disease.                  P. ovale, and P. malariae. Ring-form trophozoites in

                    TABLE 4-2  Mexican Leishmaniasis Complex—New World

                    ORGANISM        FORM OF DISEASE       VECTOR     REGION              RESERVOIR HOSTS
                    L. mexicana     Diffuse cutaneous form  Lutzomyia   Belize, Guatemala,   Opossums, forest rodents,
                                                          sand fly   Yucatán Peninsula   domestic dogs and cats
                    L. pifanoi      Diffuse cutaneous form  Lutzomyia   Amazon River basin,   Opossums, forest rodents,
                                                          sand fly   isolated parts—Brazil,   domestic dogs and cats
                    L. amazonensis  Both cutaneous and    Lutzomyia   Amazon basin of Brazil  Opossums, forest rodents,
                                    diffuse cutaneous forms  sand fly                    domestic dogs and cats
                    L. venezuelensis  Cutaneous form      Lutzomyia   Remote forested    Opossums, forest rodents,
                                                          sand fly   regions—Venezuela   domestic dogs and cats
                    L. garnhami     Cutaneous form        Lutzomyia   Venezuelan Andean   Opossums, forest rodents,
                                                          sand fly   region              domestic dogs and cats
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