Page 42 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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22     CHAPTER 2

                   personnel conducting the testing. The best way to avoid   Helminthes (worms) and protozoa comprise the basic
                   problems associated with parasite infections is by edu-  groups of parasites that infect humans. Another group,
                   cating oneself and others to avoid infection and to seek   ectoparasites that live on the skin and hair, is common
                   treatment when signs present themselves.         but does not cause the extreme medical conditions that
                                                                    the previous two categories do.
                   MEDICAL CONDITIONS CREATED                       Helminths
                   BY PARASITIC INFECTIONS
                                                                    Helminths, or worms, inhabit most areas of the world
                   Large numbers of intestinal parasites may even block the
                                                                    and produce a large proportion of the parasitic infec-
                   intestinal tract or cause hemorrhage if they perforate the   tions suffered by humans. Two main groups, pinworms
                   intestinal wall. Other extreme medical conditions pro-
                                                                    and whipworms, are thought to comprise the majority
                   duced by parasitic infestation are: liver abscesses; appen-  of these infections. The most common “worm” infecting
                   dicitis; peritonitis; hemorrhagic pancreatitis; anorexia (loss
                                                                    children is pinworms. The organism, Enterobius vermic-
                   of appetite); and anemia and vitamin insufficiency related   ularis, infects a significant number of children annually
                   to poor absorption of digested foods. Hookworm larvae
                                                                    around the world, including the United States. Symp-
                   penetrate the skin and are most often contracted through   toms are itching and irritation of the anus or vagina,
                   contact with contaminated soil. When hookworms reach
                                                                    digestive disorders, insomnia, irritability, or nervousness.
                   adulthood, they may also steal the victim’s strength and   Female worms crawl out of the anus and lay up to 15,000
                   vitality. Young hookworms have tooth-like structures by
                                                                    eggs per day. Once exposed to the air, the eggs can sur-
                   which they burrow through the intestinal walls and feed   vive about two days anywhere in the individual’s living
                   on blood. Symptoms from hookworms are iron deficiency,
                                                                    environment. On a global basis it is estimated that up
                   abdominal pain, loss of appetite, pica (abnormal craving   to 500 million people may be infected at any given time
                   to eat soil), protein deficiency, dry skin and hair, skin ir-
                                                                    with pinworms. These worms are white and can grow to
                   ritations, and edema. Advanced cases are characterized by   about a half inch in length.
                   a distended abdomen, stunted growth, delayed puberty,
                                                                        The most commonly encountered whipworm, called
                   mental dullness, cardiac failure, and death.
                                                                    Trichuris trichiura, is also estimated to be the causative
                                                                    agent for up to five hundred million cases throughout the
                   Common Organisms That Cause                      world. Although infections with T. trichiura are considered
                   Parasitic Infections                             a tropical disease, most cases are found in Asia and to a lesser
                                                                    extent in Africa and South America. The infection rate is
                   As many or more species of parasites exist than do different   low in the United States but may be responsible for several
                   mammals and other basic forms of life that can potentially   million cases which are found mostly in the rural Southeast.
                   infect humans and other mammals, marine life, plants, and   Poor hygiene is responsible for most if not all infections by
                   those organisms that dwell in the ground. In addition, many   the whipworm, as food raised in shady and moist soil that
                   of these may serve as hosts or intermediate hosts, and are   has become contaminated with human feces can lead to
                   capable of infecting humans throughout the world. There   an increased rate of infection. Mostly children with a high
                   are several anatomic categories of parasites have the ability   risk of exposure are infected by this parasite. Symptoms of
                   to produce parasitosis in humans, to varying degrees.  whipworms are bloody stools, pain in the lower abdomen,
                                                                    weight loss, rectal prolapse, nausea, and anemia. Hemor-
                   CATEGORIES OF PARASITES                          rhage can occur when worms penetrate the intestinal wall
                                                                    and bacterial infections from the normal flora that is found
                   The varieties of parasites that inhabit hosts throughout   in large numbers in the intestine will usually follow.
                   the world are almost endless. The organisms range from
                   single-celled to multicelled organisms that are capable of   Protozoa
                   infecting every living organism in existence. Some cause
                   extensive symptoms, signs, and suffering, whereas  others   The levels of infection are significant and the varieties of
                   exist at the expense of the host but cause little harm.   parasites that infect humans number into the hundreds.
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