Page 47 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Epidemiology and Conditions Leading to Parasitic Infestations   27

                       Direct testing for the actual infective organisms   invasion occurs, rising to several times the normal per-
                   by testing specimens against known antibodies com-  centage of less than the normal range of 1 to 3 percent of
                   mercially available are gaining acceptance. The use of   the white blood cells. An elevated eosinophil count does
                   antibodies is similar to that of indirect testing with the   not aid in identifying the particular organism with which
                   exception that the patient’s antibodies are not used but   the victim is infected. It merely shows that there may be a
                   are obtained from a commercial source. This procedure   tissue invasion by a parasite. Specific antibodies against
                   is still considered direct testing because the antigen, a   some of the more common pathogens are used to iden-
                   part of the actual organism, is being tested for. These   tify components of the parasite, and measuring specific
                   fragments that are comprised of parts of the organism   antibodies the host has developed is another method for
                   may be present in stool specimens and will yield a posi-  specifically identifying an infecting parasite. Secretory
                   tive result when using this methodology. Three of the   IgA, an immunoglobulin of which antibodies are com-
                   parasitic organisms mentioned previously have screen-  prised, may also be measured to determine the ability of
                   ing tests that measure the presence of antigens from the   the intestinal tract to fight infection in local areas of the
                   parasites by using antibodies formed against the organ-  body, such as the intestinal tract.
                   ism. These three are Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium,   All persons who become infected with a bacterial,
                   and Entamoeba histolytica antigen tests. Commercially   viral, or parasitic pathogen should exhibit an immune re-
                   prepared antibodies against the organisms are used to   action by forming antibodies that are specific against the
                   test for antigens from parasites which might have disin-  infective agent. Parasitic infections also cause the forma-
                   tegrated in the intestine.                       tion of specific antibodies, and although the techniques
                                                                    for testing have evolved fairly recently, the antibodies
                                                                    formed against the particular parasite in some cases may
                   INDIRECT TESTING FOR                             be used as an indirect manner of identification of the
                   PARASITES                                        parasite. An indirect test measures the body’s  response
                                                                    against the causative organism, and does not require
                   Other recent developments provide an immunological   direct evidence of the organism itself where it may be
                   profile of the blood that can be used to indicate some   viewed microscopically. Testing for antibodies against
                   but not all parasites that may infect humans. This type of   parasites is not as well developed as those for viruses.
                   test is quite effective unless the immune system has been
                   greatly diminished by some underlying medical condition,
                   as merely having a parasite infection serves to wreak havoc   IDENTIFICATION OF PARASITES
                   with the immune system. When a blood test is used, it is   AND THEIR OVA IN BODY FLUIDS
                   possible to determine the presence of antibodies formed   AND WASTES
                   against parasitic organisms to confirm the presence of par-
                   asitic pathogens such as Entamoeba; Strongyloides; blood,   This is an area in which laboratory workers perform the
                   liver, and lung flukes; heartworm found most often in dogs;   vast majority of the diagnoses of parasite infectations. It
                   malaria; Toxoplasma; microfilaria; and Trichinella, as well   is important to bear in mind that parasites range from
                   as others. It is necessary to collect a sample of blood at es-  unicellular organisms such as amoebae to large “worms”
                   tablished intervals, such as every 4 to 6 hours for 72 hours   of several feet in length. Therefore, microscopic features
                   around the clock, because some parasites only come out of   of one-celled organisms and identification of the eggs of
                   the tissue in which they spend most of their time during   larger parasite forms may be required to properly iden-
                   the middle of the night. A shortcoming of the procedure   tify a parasite. A number of characteristic morphological
                   that determines the presence of antibodies to the various   structures associated with various species of parasites
                   parasites is that it would be impossible to determine if the   enable definitive identification of the most common va-
                   antibodies were due to a past or a present exposure.  rieties of parasites routinely found in infected persons
                       Indirect testing is related to procedures where the   of the developed world. Observation of certain mor-
                   evidence of an immune reaction against a parasitic infec-  phological characteristics may be valuable in identifying
                   tion exists rather than actually finding the organism it-  the genus and sometimes the species of some parasitic
                   self. The eosinophil count (for a type of white blood cell   organisms known as protozoa (one-celled organisms) as
                   already mentioned) is most likely increased when tissue   provided in the following chart (Table 2-2). This table
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