Page 49 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 49

Epidemiology and Conditions Leading to Parasitic Infestations   29

                    TABLE 2-2  Anatomical Features Contributing to the Identification of Intestinal Parasites (continued)

                    Undulating         Occurs in flagellated forms of some organisms such as that of Trypanosoma, which has a
                    membrane           finlike ridge along the dorsal area of the organism. A flagellum may be buried in this ridge,
                                       with the end extending as a flagellum for locomotion; movement of this structure causes
                                       the body of the organism to undulate in wave-like movements.
                    Vacuole            Any of various types of spaces and cavities within the cytoplasm of a protozoan cell; may
                                       be used for storage
                    Vector             Organism that carries and perhaps transports parasites from one host to another; snails,
                                       other mollusks, and insects often serve as vectors for parasites as well as viruses and
                    Volutin            Chromosomal (chromatoid) substance found in the cytoplasm of certain protozoans,
                                       appearing as granules

                   is designed to provide characteristics to assist in iden-  TREATING INFECTION
                   tifying parasites. An extensive glossary of other terms   BY PARASITES
                     important in the study of parasitology will be found at
                   the end of this book.                            After diagnosis of the type of organism present, a drug
                                                                    must be chosen that will be effective in the treatment of a
                   Likelihood of Recovering                         specific parasitic infection. Treatment by drug therapy is
                   Parasites and Their Ova                          directed toward destroying the parasite. For amoebae, the
                                                                    most common drug is Flagyl (metronidazole), which is also
                   Remember this answer to the question, “Will an O&P   used for organisms other than parasites, such as a few se-
                   (stool examination for ova and parasites) detect all para-  lect bacteria. Side effects often include nausea, headache,
                   sites?” The answer is an emphatic “No!” Technique,   vomiting, insomnia, and vertigo. For giardiasis (infection by
                   specimen collection, and stage during which the speci-  G. lamblia), the drug commonly used is Atabrine (quina-
                   men is collected are vital for properly finding and iden-  crine HCI). Side effects often experienced when this drug
                   tifying parasitic infections. Only the parasites that live   is prescribed and used are dizziness, headache, vomiting,
                   in the gastrointestinal tract and whose eggs are passed   and diarrhea. Other drugs used for parasitic infections
                   through the feces will be diagnosed by a simple stool   include Humatin (paromomycin), Furoxone (furazoli-
                   specimen. And if the organisms are embedded in the tis-  done), and Yodoxin (iodoquinol). Some treatments utilize
                   sue, they may not be seen in the stool, but would need   a nondrug therapy, which may include an herb known as
                   a swab from a mucosal membrane to find and identify     Artemesia annus (par qing), as well as other natural dietary
                   them by morphology of the eggs or the organism itself.   substances. However, the side effects of using Artemesia as
                   Some parasites are only detectable at certain cycles of   well as other methods may result in side effects such as gas
                   the disease, and occur in a form that enables identifi-  and bloating. Another commonly used product from plants
                   cation during certain cycles, such as the fever cycle for   that grow in specific geographic locations is a seed extract
                   determining the species of protozoan responsible for   from the citrus fruit (grapefruit), which appears to be an
                   malaria (remember there are four major species that     especially effective antiparasite agent.
                   infect humans). Then there are also other tests specific   It often takes a period of three or more months to
                   for parasites such as pinworms or blood parasites that   eradicate an infestation of parasites. This lapse of time
                   cause malaria as well as a number of other bloodborne   between treatment and cure is due to the various life
                   organisms. In addition, immunological tests for either   cycles of some parasites, where they may survive while
                   antibodies or antigens may be required for identification   undergoing certain stages of development because they
                   and proper treatment.                            may be shielded from therapeutic treatment by hiding
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