Page 53 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 53
Epidemiology and Conditions Leading to Parasitic Infestations 33
1. What are some reasons for outbreaks of parasites in 8. What is probably the most prevalent parasite found
a given location? in the United States and what is the source of this
2. What are the percentages for testing procedures infection?
and accuracy rates when using current methodol- 9. What is the most common specimen used to diagnose
ogy for discovery and identifying of parasites? endoparasites?
3. Describe the symptoms of hookworm infection. 10. What is meant by an indirect method for diagnosing
4. List the three major groups or types of parasites. a parasitic infection?
5. The protozoan that infects the urogenital tract of 11. What condition must be met to perform an indirect
predominantly females and that is sexually transmit- test for antibodies against organisms that live inside
ted is that of ___________. tissues of the body?
6. Why do humans not contract the strains of malaria 12. Describe the typical test for diagnosing pinworm
some birds in North America have? infections.
7. What are two groups of the protozoans called other 13. What are two tissue parasites that may be found in
than amoebae? muscular biopsies?