Page 57 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 57

Protozoal Microorganisms as Intestinal Parasites   37

                    TABLE 3-1  Classification of Pathogenic and Nonpathogenic Protozoa

                    PHYLUM              SUBPHYLUM       ATTRIBUTES                      EXAMPLES OF SPECIES
                    Sarcomastigophora   Sarcodina       Single-celled                   Acanthamoeba sp.
                                        (amoebae)       Motility by pseudopodia         Endolimax nana
                                                        Cysts and trophozoite forms     Entamoeba coli
                                                        Asexual reproduction            Entamoeba hartmanni
                                                                                        Entamoeba histolytica
                                                                                        Iodamoeba butschlii
                                                                                        Naegleria fowleri

                                        Mastigophora    Single-celled                   Chilomastix mesnili
                                        (flagellates)   Movement chiefly by flagella    Dientamoeba fragilis
                                                        Cysts and trophozoites for intestinal   Enteromonas hominis
                                                         organisms                      Giardia lamblia
                                                        Asexual reproduction            Leishmania species
                                                        Blood flagellates may be included  Trichomonas hominis
                                                                                        Trichomonas tenax
                                                                                        Trichomonas vaginalis
                                                                                        Trypanosoma species
                                        Ciliophora      Single-celled                   Balantidium coli
                                        (ciliates)      Movement chiefly by cilia
                                                        Cysts and trophozoites stages
                                                        Asexual reproduction
                    Apicomplexa         Coccidia        Single-celled                   Babesia microti
                                                        Inhabit host’s cells            Cryptosporidium parvum
                                                        Life cycle complex and involves   Cyclospora cayetanensis
                                                          insects, mammals other than host  Isospora belli
                                                        Both sexual and asexual         Plasmodium species
                                                          reproduction may be involved  Pneumocystis carinii
                                                                                        Sarcocystis species
                                                                                        Toxoplasma gondii

                   CLASSIFICATION OF CILIATES                       are smaller, thinner, and more hairlike than the longer
                                                                     flagella possessed by some species. These cilia may cover
                   A number of important parasites with which humans   the entire periphery of the membrane of the organism as
                    become infected are found in the class formerly called   in the case of B. coli.
                   Ciliata but now are classified as Ciliophora, a phylum
                   of the kingdom Protista; the term Ciliata is still widely
                   used. The phylum Ciliophora includes both unicellular   BALANTIDIUM COLI
                   and multicellular (colonial, or colony-forming) organ-
                   isms that possess cilia for locomotion. Some are free-  The organism called Balantidium coli is considered to
                   living forms found in the environment and some are   be the only ciliate found in humans that is pathogenic and
                   parasitic species that will be discussed individually in the   is also the largest protozoan parasite found in  humans.
                   following sections of this book (Balantidium coli, found   This organism is of the genus of ciliated protozoa that
                   next, is one prime example). The cilia these organisms   may be found in a number of hosts generally responsible
                   use for locomotion are essentially a sort of flagella that   for infecting humans.
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