Page 58 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 58

38     CHAPTER 3

                   Morphology                                       reproduction occurs by binary fission. Cysts may form
                                                                    in the lumen of the colon for infecting other hosts. The
                   This organism called B. coli is rather large and is covered   trophozoite form of a protozoan is a stage where the
                   peripherally on the entire circumference of the cell by     organism is  motile and is able to feed during this phase of
                   short cilia. The trophozoite stage may vary in size from   development (Figure 3-2). The trophozoite is unable to
                   30 to 120 μm by 30 to 80 μm, and some larger versions   infect a human or other animal but is able to reproduce
                   may reach a size of 90 to 120 μm by 60 to 80 μm. The   by division in the host and is capable of causing damage
                   trophozoite is tapered at the anterior portion with an   to tissue in the infected individual.
                   attached cytostome. Two nuclei are visible, with a large
                   kidney bean–shaped macronucleus and a small nucleus
                   called the micronucleus. The cyst form is elliptical in   MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC
                   shape and measures from 45 to 65 μm. Food vacuoles
                   are visible in the cytoplasm and a small opening at the          FEATURE
                   posterior of the organism is used for waste elimination.
                   Symptoms                                          Classification       Protozoan, Ciliated

                   In some cases, infection with B. coli may result in few   Organism     Balantidium coli
                   or no symptoms. Balantidiasis due to infection with   Specimen Required  Stool specimen
                   B. coli causes generalized symptoms and signs includ-  Stage           Cyst or trophozoite
                   ing chronic and recurrent diarrhea, abdominal pain and   Size            Cyst = 45–75 μm; tro-
                   cramping, vomiting, weakness, and weight loss.                         phozoite (two ranges;
                                                                                          45 × 60 μm × 30–40 μm
                                                                                          and 90–120 μm ×
                   Life Cycle                                                             60–80 μm)
                   The ciliate called Balantidium coli is chiefly contracted   Shape      Oval
                   from contaminated water and food, particularly where   Motility        Cilia in rotary motion
                   contact with animals occurs. The cyst is the infective                 for trophozoites
                   form of Balantidium coli, as is the case for most pro-  Nucleus(i)     2 (kidney bean–
                   tozoans (Figure 3-1), and the host is infected by inges-               shaped and a smaller,
                                                                                          round micronucleus)
                   tion of the infective cysts through water and food. In the
                   cyst form, protozoans are characterized by a thick pro-  Cytoplasm     Food vacuoles
                   tective membranous wall that makes them impervious   Other Features      One of larger proto-
                   to unfavorable environmental conditions.  Excystation                  zoa; periphery com-
                                                                                          pletely covered by
                   (hatching from cyst) occurs in the small intestine and
                                                                                          short cilia
                                                                     Balantidium coli               Cyst
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 3-1  A cyst form of Balantidium coli                                                    Delmar/Cengage Learning
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