Page 55 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 55



                                        Protozoal Microorganisms

                                        as Intestinal Parasites

                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES

                   Upon completion of this chapter, the learner will be expected to:

                   ■    Describe the life cycle of Giardia lamblia
                   ■    Differentiate between cyst and trophozoite stages of protozoa
                   ■    List steps necessary to perform wet mount on specimen from victim of amoebic dysentery
                   ■    Differentiate between fresh cysts of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba coli or Endolimax nana
                   ■    Provide the probable origins of infections of Blastocystis spp. infections in humans
                   ■    Compare the morphology of the various protozoans necessary for identification of each
                   ■    Compare morphology of E. histolytica with common nonpathogenic amoebae

                   KEY TERMS

                   Amoebiasis                      Endoplasm                       Karyosome
                   Anaerobic                       Endosome                        Lugol’s iodine
                   Anoperineal region              Enterocytes                     Macrogametes
                   Binucleate                      Febrile                         Merozoites
                   Brightfield microscopy          Fecal-oral route                Microgametes
                   Charcot-Leyden crystals         Flagellates                     Microvilli
                   Chromatoid bodies               Flatulence                      Mitochondrion-like organelles
                   Ciliates                        Fulminant colitis               Multicellular
                   Colonoscopy                     Golgi apparatus                 Obligate
                   Cysts                           Gram negative rod               Oocyst
                   Duodenal fluid                  Immunocompromised               Oocytes
                   Dysentery                       Intestinal lumen                Organelles
                   Ectoplasm                       Intracellular                   Periodontitis
                   Empyema                         Isosporiasis                    Phagocytosis

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