Page 51 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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Epidemiology and Conditions Leading to Parasitic Infestations   31

                   should not be allowed to prepare food for others until all   external and internal structures that fibers do not have.
                   symptoms are gone. Remember that parasites are trans-  Only experience will enable the laboratory worker to
                   mitted most often under dirty conditions, and some may   quickly discount suspect elements that are not parasites
                   even be present in the lungs and could be transmitted   such as vegetable cells and fibers.
                   through sputum during certain stages of their life cycles,   For the limited number of parasites that have had
                   so are easily spread.                            serological tests developed for determining the presence
                                                                    of antigens that were developed only relatively recently,
                                                                    these tests may be a valuable adjunct to confirm the
                   OTHER CONSIDERATIONS FOR                         findings as parasites when suspicious objects are seen
                   EFFECTIVE IDENTIFICATION AND                     microscopically. The antigen tests have been developed
                   TREATMENT FOR PARASITES                          for several common parasites including tests for Giar-
                                                                    dia, cryptosporidium, and E. histolytica. The antigen
                   Is it necessary to have a fresh stool sample? Yes, the   tests detect protein structures on the parasite, and they
                   fresher the better, as the morphology of the parasites   can detect the presence of fragments of the parasite in
                   and even the eggs may be deteriorated in unpreserved   a stool sample if no intact parasites can be seen. An ad-
                   stool, which would destroy the identifying characteris-  vantage of this is allowing detection of a specific parasite
                   tics of the parasite and make the infection more difficult   even if it is not definitely seen in the microscopic O&P
                   to detect. In addition, trophozoites are more easily vi-  examination.
                   sualized in fresh samples. Sometimes, if a specimen is   Blood antibody tests may also be ordered to deter-
                   impossible to examine while it is fresh, a small amount   mine if a patient has had previous exposure to a parasite,
                   of formalin-ether (diluted formaldehyde) can be added   because specific antibodies may persist throughout life
                   to preserve the organisms for a period of time. The   for those with previous infections. These tests may in-
                   sample should be viewed microscopically if possible to   dicate a past or a chronic infection but are not used to
                   determine the presence of parasites before preserving   detect a current infection. Sometimes it is necessary to
                   the sample for transport to another location for iden-  obtain a biopsy of the small intestines, where a small
                   tification. There are a number of other preservatives,   amount of tissue is examined for parasitic infestation. Re-
                   including polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), which contains the   member that reinfection may occur by repeat exposure or
                   fixative mercuric chloride. PVA has been considered the   by an incomplete treatment for parasitic infections. It is
                   “gold standard” for the fixation of ova and parasites in   quite common to become reinfected with a repeat expo-
                   the preparation of permanently stained smears of stool   sure, particularly in cases where a family member has an
                   specimens. However, mercuric chloride is potentially   asymptomatic parasitic infection, such as giardiasis (due
                   hazardous to laboratory personnel and may also present   to Giardia lamblia infection), and continues to shed the
                   disposal problems.                               organisms and reinfects others until everyone is treated.
                       It is common for the inexperienced student or    A person infected by a parasite should not take an
                   laboratory worker to mistakenly identify normal cells   antidiarrhea medicine unless prescribed by the treating
                   and other components of the stool as parasites. Small   physician. This is due to the fact that diarrhea is one of
                   parasitic worms that are thought to be present in a stool   the ways in which the body helps to rid itself of the infec-
                   sample may be undigested food (cellulose) fibers from   tion. If the normal activity (peristalsis) of the intestines
                   vegetables that were recently ingested. Most of the com-  slows down and prevents the fecal material along with
                   mon parasites are much too small to be seen with the   parasites from leaving the body by taking anti-diarrhea
                     naked eye and the fact that solid material from the stool   medication, the amount of time may be prolonged for
                   is present compounds the problem of discovery and   a person who is ill and may make the infection become
                     identification. However, parasites have characteristic   more severe.
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