Page 61 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 61

Protozoal Microorganisms as Intestinal Parasites   41

                                                                    Life Cycle
                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  as does the trichomonad group, although it is theorized
                                                                    The Dientamoeba fragilis life cycle is simple because it
                                                                    is only characterized primarily by the trophozoite stage,

                                                                    that there may be a cyst stage that is not readily visible but
                                                                    that is implicated in fecal-oral transmission (Figure 3-4).
                                                                    It is thought that Dientamoeba is transmitted along with
                                                                    the eggs of other parasites such as intestinal worms, and
                                                                    especially simultaneously with that of the pinworm,
                                                                      Enterobius vermicularis. Because this organism does not
                                                                    appear to have a cystic stage, the beginning medical sci-
                                                                    entist upon seeing the non-motile forms with a circular
                   FIGURE 3-3  Trichrome stain of Dientamoeba       outline, will often mistake them most commonly for the
                   fragilis, an amoebic parasite
                                                                    cysts of E. histolytica.
                                                                        Dientamoeba fragilis organisms reproduce by cel-
                   intense diarrhea accompanied with blood or  mucus,   lular division called binary fission (simple longitudinal
                    abdominal pain, and anal pruritis (a tingling itch or burn-  division) and move by pseudopodia (false feet), a mode
                   ing sensation).                                  of locomotion similar to many amoebae. Humans are

                                                                                                                  Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

                   FIGURE 3-4  Dientamoeba fragilis life cycle
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