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P. 65

Protozoal Microorganisms as Intestinal Parasites   45

                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  General   FEATURE
                                                                        MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC

                                                                                          Trichomonas vaginalis
                                                                     Specimen Required  Urine, vaginal and
                                                                                          prostatic secretions
                                                                                          Trophozoites most
                                                                                          easily distinguishable
                   FIGURE 3-7  Trichomonas vaginalis stained with    Size                 8–23 μm in length and
                   Giemsa dye                                                             5–12 μm in width
                                                                     Shape                Pear-shaped
                   specimen will yield a pear-shaped cell with an axostyle,               trophozoite
                   a centrally located line extending throughout the length   Motility    Nondirectional but
                   of the organism (Figure 3-7). One nucleus is generally                 sometimes vigorous
                   visible at the anterior end, and the organism is generally             in fresh specimens
                   5 to 19 μm. This is also within the range of white blood   Nucleus(i)   1, somewhat centrally
                   cells, so it is easy to miss a T. vaginalis infection when the         located
                   specimen is more than a few minutes old and where white   Cytoplasm    Evenly distributed
                   cells are also present. Another important group of patho-              chromatin with
                   genic flagellates are those found chiefly in the blood and             granules near axostyle
                   tissues, and will be discussed in a later section.  Other Features     Prominent axostyle
                                                                                          with 4–6 flagella and
                                                                                          undulating membrane
                   The infected individual may suffer itching, burning,   T. vaginalis
                   and considerable irritation of the surrounding tissues of       Trophozoite
                   the vaginal mucosa, and in some cases produce a foul-
                    smelling and yellowish discharge with lesions. Men may
                   be asymptomatic or suffer from prostate and upper uro-
                   genital tenderness and even swelling.

                   Life Cycle
                   The trophozoite stage, again the only one found in in-
                   fections with T. vaginalis, is motile and somewhat easy
                   to distinguish in urine samples and in vaginal secretions.
                   However, they can be confused with white blood cells,
                    especially if the organisms are sluggish due to temperature,
                   light, and other adverse environmental conditions. Due                                         Delmar/Cengage Learning
                   to the difficulty of maintaining viability of  Trichomonas
                   organisms for microscopic examination and perhaps cul-
                   ture, a routine universal transport medium may be indi-
                   cated, and a number of these are available commercially.
                   Fifty percent of infected women are asymptomatic even
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