Page 70 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
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50     CHAPTER 3                                     MICROSCOPIC DIAGNOSTIC

                                                                Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  General   FEATURE

                                                                                          Giardia lamblia
                                                                     Specimen Required  Stool specimen

                                                                                          cysts, with cyst

                                                                                          stage being the most
                   FIGURE 3-9  Giardia lamblia trophozoites on a wet   Stage              Trophozoites and
                   mount; can be found in the small intestine of an   Size                Trophozoite—9–21 3
                   infected host                                                          5–15 μm; Cysts—
                                                                                          8–17 3  7–10 μm
                   presented in this section. One other important anatomi-  Shape         Pear-shaped tropho-
                   cal feature of G. lamblia is an adhesive disc which is dif-            zoites; oval and
                   ficult to visualize as an organelle (small organ) on the               somewhat elongated
                   ventral side of the organism.                                          cysts
                       Sometimes identification of G. lamblia is necessary   Motility     Characteristic “falling
                   by obtaining a biopsy of the small intestine or from the               leaf” motility on wet
                   examination of duodenal fluid. Another method requires                 mount
                   the patient to swallow a gelatin capsule attached by a   Nucleus(i)    2 for trophozoites
                   nylon string, the end of which is taped to the patient’s               and up to 4 for cysts
                   cheek. After 4 to 8 hours the capsule is withdrawn and   Cytoplasm     Unremarkable
                   the bile-stained mucous on the end of the string where   Other Features   4 pairs of refractile
                   the capsule is attached is microscopically  examined                   flagella
                   by either a wet mount (Figure 3-9) or by permanent
                    staining. A wet mount is merely a drop of water or saline
                   in which the specimen is mixed, after which a cover slip   Giardia lamblia
                   is placed over the mixture and the specimen is examined   Trophozoite             Cyst

                   Treatment and Prevention

                   Children in daycare centers and in those from rural  areas
                   who drink water from streams and contaminated wells are
                   frequently afforded the greatest opportunity for  infection
                   along with male homosexual contacts.  Domestic cats are
                   also a source of giardiasis where close contact enables
                   the transmission of the organism to humans. A sanitary
                   lifestyle for both the body and for food eaten as well as
                   a safe water source would prevent most of the infections                                       Delmar/Cengage Learning
                   contracted worldwide. The common practice of using
                   human waste as fertilizer, found in several parts of the
                   world, is probably the most causative factor in the trans-
                   mission of this disease.
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