Page 12 - MMI Company Profile & Business Plan_removed
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4        5 IPO Fund Usage Plan                                                                                                                                         CONFIDENTIAL

             Acquisition of IP                                                      Launching Beauty                      Strengthen digital                   Export to USA,
                Licensing &                      Adding Stock and                                                             market and                      Latin Americas &
             Partnership with                       Distribution                    and Personal Care                        marketplace                          Overseas
                Third-Party                         Warehouse

            Purchasing licensing                 Planning to add                    Company will launch                 MMI will form a special                Working capital for
             rights/ acquiring IP               expansion through                   more than 100 SKU,                team that focuses on digital             expansion, selling
           Licensing with several                the purchase of                    types of items in the              sales in collaboration with          medical device products
              international and                Stock and Logistics                 personal care, beauty                  WIR in increasing IP                to export markets to
           domestic IP holders as               Warehouses in the                    and personal care                   Merchandise and also                   several ASEAN
             an added value for                 Jabodetabek area                        categories in                  increasing working capital           countries, USA, North &
           brand awareness and                                                     collaboration with local              for the development of              Latin America, Middle
                    sales.                                                            and international                    online sales in the                East,  and Australia.
                                                                                         companies                            marketplace
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