Page 8 - JHCSC Dumingag 25th Commencement Exercises
P. 8

                                                    25 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES


                                       ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT

                  Dear Graduates of the Class of 2024,

                  It is my profound honor and pleasure to congratulate each of you on
           reaching this significant milestone. Today, we celebrate not only your academic
           achievements but also the resilience, determination, and hard work that have
           brought you to this moment.

                  Throughout your journey, you have shown remarkable perseverance and
           adaptability, navigating challenges and embracing opportunities with grace and
           tenacity. Your journey has been marked by late nights, early mornings, and
           countless hours of dedication. Today, all of those efforts have paid off.

                  As you step into the next chapter of your lives, carry with you the lessons,
           values, and memories you learned here. Remember that education is a life long
           journey. The knowledge and experiences you have gained here are the foundation
           upon which you will build your future. Bring forward the spirit of curiosity and
           the passion for learning that have defined your time with us. Be reminded that you
           are living in a very competitive world where the fittest survive. Keep on pursuing,
           achieving, and dreaming for a brighter future. Nothing is difficult if you put your
           heart into what you do.

                  You are now part of a legacy of excellence, joining a community of alumni
           who are making a positive impact around the world. As you go forth, know that
           you have the support and pride of your Alma mater behind you. We believe in
           your potential to inspire change, to lead with integrity, and to contribute to the
           betterment of society.

                  Above all, always put God at the center of your lives, because He is the only
           one who can make everything possible. Do not forget to look back on the people
           who made you what you are now, because the secret of success is never to forget
           those who brought you up.

                  Congratulations once again, Class of 2024. May your future be as bright and
           promising as your dreams. Go forth and shine!

            NIMSHE M. PASTRANO, Ed.D.
            President, FFASA

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