Page 11 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 11

                                                    25 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES


                          RESOURCE GENERATION & DEAN OF SAFES

                  As you complete your degree program at our beloved JHCSC, take a
           moment to reflect on the journey that brought you here. Your hard work,
           dedication, and perseverance have led to this significant achievement, and
           today is the start of an exciting new chapter in your lives.

                  Today, graduating from JHCSC means more than just obtaining a
           diploma; it demonstrates your tenacity, intellect, and ability to make a
           difference in the world. Whether you're furthering your education, entering
           the workforce, or taking a completely different path, know that you have
           the knowledge and abilities to succeed. This marks the start of an exciting
           new chapter in your lives.

                  However,       success    is   not    defined     exclusively     by    exterior
           achievements. It's also about how you affect the lives of others, the
           relationships you build, and the ideals you uphold. As you embark on the
           next phase of your journey, remember your dreams, stick to your values,
           and never underestimate the power of love and compassion.

                  The path ahead may be filled with trials and uncertainty, but believe
           in your ability, seize every chance that comes your way, and never lose
           sight of the amazing potential you possess. Your time at JHCSC has
           prepared you not just academically, but also personally and professionally,
           and now it is your opportunity to shine brightly and leave your mark on
           the world.

                  As you commemorate this historic occasion with your loved ones,
           take pride in how far you've gone and look forward with hope and resolve
           to what lies ahead. Congratulations, again, JHCSC Class of 2024! The future
           is yours for the taking.

            JERRY B. SUPERALES, Ph.D.
            VPRERG & SAFES Dean

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