Page 67 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
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News                                                           parties will reimburse taxpayers for replacing the Francis

                                                                Scott Key Bridge. This follows past instances where the
                                                                federal government covered all recovery costs, like after
 from                                                           the Northridge earthquake and the I-35W bridge collapse.

                                                                Funds have already been made available for responding to
                                                                damage caused by the cargo ship Dali to the Francis Scott
                                                                Key Bridge on March 26. The full bill text can be found here
 the Hill                                             

                                                                Rachel Pick

                                                                               Matt Mika
                                                                               Vice President, Advocacy &
                                                                               Government Affairs
        Response Invests and Delivers Global Economic Relief Act”              202-789-8113
        or “Baltimore BRIDGE Relief Act” in both the House and
 providing jobs and contributing to farm gate value. The   Senate.             Rachel Pick
 caucus will focus on issues such as market access, research                   Senior Manager, Advocacy &
 funding, and sustainability measures to ensure the success   The Baltimore BRIDGE Relief Act proposes changes to   Government Affairs
 of specialty crop producers. Members of the caucus   federal funding rules for highway and bridge repair after
 emphasize the importance of recognizing and supporting   disasters. It clarifies that funds from insurance or liable   202-789-8112
 specialty crop producers, especially amidst challenges like
 supply chain disruptions, rising costs, labor shortages, and
 climate impacts.
 Rachel Pick  WHY BECOME A

 Agriculture Stakeholder Letter on U.S. Trade Agenda
 AmericanHort joined a number of agriculture groups   CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL
 in a letter requesting that the United States Trade   HORTICULTURIST (CPH)?
 Representative (USTR) Ambassador Katherine Tai work
 on a trade agenda for U.S. farmers, ranchers, producers,   Career Advancement: Open the door to higher-level positions and
 growers, and Agribusiness. In the letter, the U.S. food and   leadership roles, propelling your career to new heights.
 agriculture community emphasizes the importance of   Industry Recognition: Gain respect and acknowledgment within
 trade policies to enhance global competitiveness and   the horticulture community, positioning yourself as a committed and
            knowledgeable professional.
 Bipartisan Congressional Caucus Formed to   advocates for a renewed focus on trade agreements,
 Champion Specialty Crop Industry  accountability, and enforcement mechanisms.  Client Trust: Attract homeowners, businesses, and institutions with
            the confidence that comes from being a certified professional—
 Matt Mika  making certification a powerful selling point for your business.
 A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including Rep. David
 Rouzer (R-NC-07), Rep. David Valadao (R-CA-22), Rep. Jim   Bipartisan Baltimore BRIDGE Relief Act Introduced in   Continuous Learning: Stay ahead of the curve with ongoing
 Costa (D-CA-21), and Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI-07), have   Congress  education and professional development, ensuring you remain
 established the Congressional Specialty Crops Caucus.   In a bipartisan and bicameral effort, Maryland legislators   current with industry trends, best practices, and emerging   LEARN MORE &
            technologies for long-term success in the field.
 The caucus aims to address the challenges faced by   Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D), Sen. Ben Cardin (D), Rep. Kweisi   APPLY TODAY!
 the specialty crop industry and advocate for policies   Mfume (D-MD-07), Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD-01), Rep. Steny
 supporting specialty crop growers, processors, and   Hoyer (D-MD-05), Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD-  MARYLAND
 partners. Fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, herbs, nursery crops,   02), Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD-03), Rep. Jamie Raskin   NURSERY, LANDSCAPE  GET ACTIVE –  STAY INVOLVED
                   AND  G REENHOUSE
 and ornamentals all fall into the specialty crop umbrella   (D-MD-08), Rep. David Trone (D-MD-06), and Rep. Glenn   A SSOCIATION, I NC.  MNLGA.ORG/CPH • 410-823-8684
 and play a significant role in the American economy,   Ivey (D-ND-04) introduced S. 4114, the “Baltimore Bridge

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