Page 71 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
P. 71

CULTIVATING COMMUNICATION (Continued)                              Cottage gardening is an experience,

 Overflowing container gardens with   living things, they change, they grow,   whether you grow for food, or
 fantastic flowering combinations can   and there is no “right” or “wrong”
 be an easy transition for houseplant   way. They can add to the garden,   beauty, or both.
 parents when they are ready to   and they can remove. And when the
 venture outside. The mixed borders   garden gives them too much and
 of vegetables and ornamentals can   plants need divided – they can share
 provide more seasoned gardeners   with friends and neighbors.
 with the artistic outlet they are
 Let’s start at the beginning –
 looking for. Experimenting with new
 containers. For those plant parents
 combinations, harvesting their own
 who have every houseplant and want
 cut flowers, growing their own food,
 more! Hypertufa troughs planted
 and even creating their own secluded
 with Dianthus, Iberis, and Festuca will
 refuge from the busy world.
 provide an early spring show. Larger
 For installation customers – the   containers with Allium ‘Millenium’,
 cottage style of Gertrude Jekyll is a   (continued on page 72)
 frequent request, with lush borders
 and season long color. A bit of   PHOTO CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT:
                     Verbascum roripifolium
                     Geranium pratense 'Boom Chocolatta'
 Whether you are a   Allium sp. and Paeonia sp. - common cottage garden plants
                     Cut flower harvest from the summer garden
 retailer or an installer   Allium 'Millenium'

 – cottage gardening

 applies to you.

 Your DIY customers

 can easily relate to it,

 whether they garden

 on a balcony or a

 1-acre property.

 organized chaos within the plantings
 which are framed with structure of
 hedges, walls, or fencing.

 Many times, these customers can
 benefit from “coaching” – if they
 maintain their own properties after
 installation, they might need the
 encouragement from a professional.
 Share with them how gardens are

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