Page 68 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
P. 68

CULTIVATING COMMUNICATION A Wendy Brister                                                                                                                                        In the late 1400’s, cottage gardens were

                                                                                                                                                                                         originally the working man’s garden –

                                                                                                                                                                                         gardens with limited space, gardeners
        #cottagecore –                                                                                                                                                                   with limited time, and function over

        The Hashtag You Didn’t Know Your Garden Needed!

                ow to reach the “younger”    of flowering plants not only provided
                generation…. We (as in those   beauty but brought in pollinators.
        Hof us over 40) always talk          (What a concept!)
        about how we are going to reach
                                             While vegetable areas were laid
        them. Whether we are looking for
                                             out in straight rows with bare soil
        employees that are interested in the
                                             in between, the rest of the garden
        green industry or looking for potential
                                             had flowering plants grouped tightly
        customers. An “old” style might just be
                                             together with no soil showing. The
        the ticket.
                                             gardeners had limited funds and
                                                                                                                               PHOTO CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT:
        #cottagecore                         would trade plants with neighbors,                                                Baptisia australis
                                             allow for self-sowing of annuals and                                              Echinacea purpurea, Calamintha 'White Cloud' and food crops
        If you aren’t familiar with this hashtag,                                                                              in a container
                                             biennials, and even wild collect plants.
        you might be interested to know that                                                                                   Cottage garden harvest
        there are currently over 1.7 million   The focus was on plants. Gardens                                                Carex radiata - great for green mulch applications
        posts on TikTok that use it. I see this   were biodiverse, organic in layout,                                          Aster 'Bluebird' with Swiss Chard - combining edibles with perennials
        as an opportunity, an opportunity    and for the gardener – it was a
        to grow more gardeners and future    lifestyle.
        green industry professionals. While
                                             For myself, with an agricultural
        the overall ideal of #cottagecore is
                                             background, I understand the idea
        experiencing agrarian life, it merges
                                             of lifestyle. It was just what you did to
        beautifully with the Cottage Garden
                                             survive, and I vowed at a young age
                                             to enter any profession other than
        In the late 1400’s, cottage gardens   agriculture. You can see how well
        were originally the working man’s    that worked out for me! I can relate
        garden – gardens with limited space,   to the nostalgia of #cottagecore. My
        gardeners with limited time, and     3.75-acre garden IS #cottagecore.
        function over aesthetic. Plant palettes
                                             Whether you are a retailer or an
        focused more on the edible and
                                             installer – cottage gardening applies
        medicinal with few flowers.
                                             to you.
        Fast forward 200+ years and flowers
                                             Your DIY customers can easily
        played a larger role. Gardeners
                                             relate to it, whether they garden
        began to realize that an abundance
                                             on a balcony or a 1-acre property.
                                                              (continued on next page)
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