Page 26 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
P. 26


                                             we got 1.97 inches of rain between    seed was maturing well as seen in
                                             September 9  and 15 . The clover      the photo (page 27 top left).
                                             never emerged but the radish started
                                                                                   From the maturing seed I did a
                                             to show up late in September; it was
                                                                                   germination test and determined
                                             off to a slow start. I believe the clover
                                                                                   that 71% of the seed was viable.
                                             may have been planted too deep.
                                                                                   The next step was to see if we could
                                             Slowly, the radish filled in. In a normal
                                                                                   get two crops for the price of one. We
                                             year, the radish would be killed by
                                                                                   don’t have a 4’ wide combine. The
                                             winter frost. Last winter was too mild
                                                                                   only thing we could come up with
                                             and as seen in the photo below taken
                                                                                   was a narrow flail mower to dislodge
                                             on April 22, 2024, it survived well.
                                                                                   the seeds from the pods. We carried
                                             My intent was to plant radish again   the flail mower right at the soil
                                             this spring to determine if it could   surface and a decent percentage of
                                             survive the summer heat and provide   the seed became dislodged.
                                             weed control of summer annuals as     This final photo (bottom page
                                             a competitor, providing shade, and/   27) shows the new crop emerging
                                             or dead plants acting as a mulch.     amongst weeds, a lot of dandelions.
                                             Seeing that the fall planting was     The density and uniformity of the
                                             flourishing, my spring planting plan   new crop is not as good as the
                                             was abandoned. As seen in the         original planting.
                                             photo(page 27 top left), the plants
                                             will not survive through the summer.   New crop emerging from the
                     Cover crop planting machine  At the end of May 2024, the radish   original 2023 planting, seen on
                                                                                   October 7, 2024. A
        For many years, I have tried to
        determine how to plant a cover
        crop in narrow spaces. One fairly
        expensive machine did not work
        (it was lost in the fire of 2017, so
        we got our money back). Last
        year we were able to purchase a
        narrow cultivating device (photo
        above) from Damcon in The
        Netherlands and installed a box
        seeder from Gandy to distribute
        the seed. I chose to initially plant
        a couple acres last fall to see
        if we would be successful with
        daikon radish, red and white
        clover, and the new machine.
        Seeding occurred in late August
        2023. If you recall, we were in an
        extended drought starting here
        in May. Initially, it was too dry for
        germination, then it became too
        cold for a couple weeks, then        Daikon radish flourishing May 2024

        26  WINTER 2024 • Free State News
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