Page 29 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
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focus on strict immigration enforcement. Her            AmericanHort will continue to update you on the Senate
        responsibilities will include overseeing DHS's $60 billion   and House Races, as well as leadership in Congress
        budget and managing agencies like US Customs and        and other election related news. This is as of the time
        Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement,   of printing on Wednesday, November 13. If you are not
        FEMA, and the US Secret Service. Noem’s appointment     a member of AmericanHort, this is an excellent time to
        signals Trump’s commitment to prioritizing immigration   consider joining at
        and border security in his domestic agenda. DHS faced                   Matt Mika, Rachel Pick, Kamron Newberry
        significant instability during Trump’s first term, with multiple
        leaders, only two of whom were Senate-confirmed.
                                                                Members of Congress Urge Delay in Corporate
        In the coming weeks and months, we will continue to learn
        who President-elect Trump will appoint to his cabinet. This   Transparency Act Implementation
        is as of the time of printing on Wednesday, November 13.  Representative Lisa McClain (R-MI-09) led an effort with
                                                                45 House members calling on Treasury Secretary Janet
                  Matt Mika, Rachel Pick and Frida Mendez (DCLRS)
                                                                Yellen to delay implementing the Corporate Transparency
                                                                Act (CTA) due to its heavy burden on small businesses.
        Election Recap                                          Enacted in 2021, the CTA requires businesses with less than
        Now that our media channels are quieter, we can all take a   $5 million in revenue and fewer than 20 employees to
        breather, step back, and move forward, regardless of who   report detailed personal and occupational data, impacting
        you voted for.                                          millions of small businesses. Non-compliance could result
                                                                in daily fines exceeding $590, felony charges, and up to
        Senate — In the next Congress, the Senate will be under   two years in prison. Lawmakers argue that while the law
        Republican control, with a majority of 53-47. Four Senatorial   targets shell company abuse, its broad reach creates
        seats have flipped. Jim Justice (R-WV) won after Senator   unintended consequences for legitimate businesses and
        Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced his retirement. Bob        requires further clarification before enforcement. Read the
        Casey (D-PA), a three-term senator, was defeated by Dave   full letter to Secretary Yellen, here.
        McCormick (R), the former CEO of Bridgewater Associates.
        Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) lost to Republican Bernie                                      Kamron Newberry
        Moreno, a close ally of Trump. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT)
        was defeated by Tim Sheehy, a businessman in aerial     AmericanHort Calls for Extension of the Overtime
        firefighting and a former Navy SEAL.                    Rule to Alleviate Compliance Strain on Employers

        House — The incoming House of Representatives is        AmericanHort and 73 other organizations within the
        expected to closely resemble the current Congress. The   Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity (PPWO) are
        Republicans currently hold the lead, and retain the majority   urging the Department of Labor to delay the second phase
        in the House with 219-209, with 7 seats still undecided. So   of the new overtime rule, currently set for January 1, 2025.
        far, Democrats have flipped seven seats, while Republicans   With ongoing legal challenges, PPWO argues that a delay
        have flipped eight seats.                               would prevent employers from incurring unnecessary
        Sen. John Thune (R-SD) was elected Senate majority      expenses for payroll and classification changes that may
        leader, narrowly defeating Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in a   ultimately be overturned. The coalition stresses that the
        close 25-24 vote to succeed retiring Sen. Mitch McConnell   rule’s significant adjustments would place a heavy burden
        (R-KY). Known for his approachable leadership style,    on businesses nationwide. The letter to Administrator
        Thune pledged to unify the GOP conference, increase     Jessica Looman requests that the implementation date be
        opportunities for bill amendments, and coordinate with   postponed to May 1, 2025, allowing for judicial review, and
        House Republicans and the Trump administration. The     providing clearer guidance to employers.
        House of Representatives are still undergoing leadership                                    Kamron Newberry

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