Page 34 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
P. 34


        Heather Zindash, a Certified         us all look good in the field.”         “He was so energetic,
        Professional Horticulturist, shared
                                             An unforgettable example of his
        her experiences: “He took great pride                                        funny, passionate, and
                                             unique approach to education
        in watching his students learn and
                                             occurred at a pesticide conference      his love for life was
        succeed. He modeled dedication to
                                             in Rockville about 20 years ago.
        science and resilience while reaching                                        contagious. He made
                                             Alongside his colleague Michael
        a goal. He was always available to
                                             Raupp, Stanton was set to deliver a
        discuss ideas and questions.”                                                us all look good in the
                                             lecture titled “Bad Soil.” The familiar
        Stanton was also known for his       riffs of George Thorogood’s “Bad        field.”
        vibrant personality and love of      to the Bone” filled the room as the
        life. His daughter, Kelly MacBride-  audience settled in. To everyone’s                           Ed Delaha
        Gill, fondly recalls annual themed   surprise, Stanton and Michael made         Akehurst Landscape Service
        parties at their family farm, complete   a grand entrance wearing black
        with creative games like “golf cart   leather jackets and jeans with “Bad
                                                                                   humor and creativity into his
        jousting.” His playful antics and zest   Soil” emblazoned on their backs.
                                                                                   teaching to captivate and inspire
        for life were infectious.            They confidently strode onto the
                                                                                   his audience at the University of
                                             stage as the music played, setting
        Ed Delaha of Akehurst Landscape                                            Maryland.
                                             the tone for an engaging and
        Service remembered, “He was so
                                             memorable presentation. This was      Beyond his professional endeavors,
        energetic, funny, passionate, and his
                                             quintessential Stanton—infusing       Stanton was wholeheartedly
        love for life was contagious. He made
                                                                                                       (continued on page 36)

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