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                                             devoted to his family. He built       Stanton’s legacy is one of knowledge
          “Stanton was                       his home on a one-acre plot in        shared, lives touched, and a

          more than just a                   Brookeville, and in 2000, he and      community enriched. “We have lost
                                             his wife Nancy acquired land that     a true lover of horticulture with an
          horticulturist; he was             would become the MacBride and Gill    immense knowledge base and the

          a devoted steward                  Falcon Ridge Farm in Westminster.     gift to communicate and share his
                                             Here, he cultivated a wide variety
                                                                                   gifts,” said Mark Dougherty.
          of nature, a teacher,              of produce, often commenting          “Stanton’s passion, energy,

          a mentor, and a                    that his hands-on farming efforts     and dedication to Maryland’s
                                             deepened his understanding of all
                                                                                   Horticultural industry was
          friend to many. His                things agricultural. Known as “the    unmatched. We will never see
                                             persimmon man” or “the apple man”
          enthusiasm for the                 at the Olney Farmers Market, Stanton   another Stanton Gill in our lifetime;
                                                                                   the mold has been broken.  He will
          industry and tireless              became a well-known vendor and a      greatly be missed by all, but his
                                             favorite among marketgoers.
                                                                                   memory will always be ingrained
          dedication to sharing              The farm also became an outlet        in our industry.” said W. David

          his knowledge left a               for his creative side, adorned with   Thompson, Foxborough Nursery.
                                             whimsical sculptures of dinosaurs,    With Stanton’s passing, Maryland’s
          mark on all who knew               insects, and other creatures he       horticulture community has lost an

          him.”                              crafted from plywood, metal, and      unparalleled educator, connector,
                                             glass—each a testament to his
                                                                                   and friend. His legacy lives on in the
                              Brett Karp     vibrant personality and love of life.  countless professionals he inspired,

                                  Griffin    Hank Keegan, Master Gardener –        the communities he united, and the
                                             2017 and Montgomery College Class     family he loved.
                                             of 2022 recalls his visits to the farm,
                                                                                   In his honor, the family is establishing
                                             saying, “Visiting his farm was like
                                                                                   a scholarship for the Montgomery
                                             visiting the Garden of Eden. Although
                                                                                   College Environmental Horticulture
                                             I have just a small amount of
                                                                                   Program. Contributions can be made
                                             growing space, I grow almost all the
                                             fruits Stanton taught us about. I will
                                                                                   donate, selecting “Give to where the
                                             always cherish his untiring passion,
                                                                                   need is greatest” and noting that the
                                             expertise, and innovation.”
                                                                                   gift is in memory of Stanton Gill.  A
                                                                                                   Photo credit: Sam Levitan

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