Page 38 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
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        We welcome the following into MNLGA membership! Full contact information
        may be found within the member portal of the MNLGA website,
        We encourage you to reach out to your peer members – they may be a valuable
        business connection for you.

        Cheryl Williams                      Cristi Demnowicz - Student
        40 Day Communications                Colorado State University
        Clinton, MD 20735                    Fort Collins, CO 80521

        Michael Farrow                       Kathy Jentz
        Farrow Propagation                   Washington Gardener
        Warwick, MD 21912                    Silver Spring, MD 20910
        Meg Smolinski - Student              Cathy Wagner                          Diane Knighton of Design With Nature,
        University of Maryland, College Park  Baltimore Country Club               LLC, was awarded at the Capital Region
        College Park, MD 20742               Timonium, MD 21093                    Minority Supplier Development Council's
                                                                                   (CRMSDC) Leaders and Legends Awards
        Elliott Kenney - Student             Chuck Sells                           Ceremony on November 19th for being one
        University of Maryland, College Park  Manor Gardens                        of the Top 100 Minority Business Enterprises
        College Park, MD 20742               Monkton, MD 21111                     (MBE), determined by the National Minority
                                                                                   Supplier Development Council (NMSDC).
                                                                                   Please join us in congratulating Diane!

                             THANK YOU SPONSORS

             MNLGA would like to thank these companies for their sponsorship and support.

                                       WYE OAK SPONSORS

                            BLACK-EYED SUSAN SPONSORS

              The MNLGA sponsorship Program is designed with your increased visibility in mind. It is a simple straightforward and reward
              driven program. The recognition opportunities coupled with an MNLGA Sponsorship are unparalleled for a state association.
                                  Sponsorship rates and benefits are avaiable on

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