Page 41 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
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plants. The bad news is that they    BTM is most easily
        concentrate on boxwood plants        recognized by the
        and can kill the shrub. Boxwoods     webbing the caterpillars
        are extremely popular in the nursery   create as they mature,
        industry and have been used in       which is visible by spreading
        areas with heavy deer populations    the branches and looking into the
        since they do not like to feed on the   interior of the shrub. Caterpillars
        aromatic foliage.                    can be detected by heavy,
                                             characteristic feeding patterns, with
        If you are in a situation with BTM
                                             leaves appearing “peeled” or with
        and need to remove clippings or
                                             leaves that have only the midrib
        entire shrubs from an infested site,
                                             remaining. Green-black balls of frass
        please take precautions so the insect
                                             (droppings) are also indicative of an   The ‘melanated’ brown variant
        does not spread to new locations.                                          of adult Box Tree Moth.
        At this point, the recommendation
        is to bag the infested plant material,   The BTM caterpillar is black and
        safeguard it on site and contact MDA   green, with green, yellow, black and   growing season are going to make
        in Annapolis.                        white longitudinal stripes. Adult     monitoring for this pest a summer
                                             moths are typically white with a      long event.
        There is a large industry that involves
        cutting boxwood stems in the fall    brown margin around their wings.      Treatment materials:
        months. These cut stems are used     A less common variant of the BTM      Cornell University Extension has
        in holiday decorations. Since larva   moth is fully brown with small white   published a list of registered
        overwinter on rolled up leaves, BTM   spots on the forewing. They have a   insecticides for control of the box tree
        can easily move from an infested     wingspan of approximately 1.5 inches.  moth. Since caterpillars can be found
        area to previously non-infested areas.   BTM eggs are deposited on the     deep in very full shrub you will need a
        Local cut flower growers and florists   underside of boxwood leaves and    sprayer capable of penetrating into
        need to be aware of this pest and its   take about 3 days to hatch. Newly   the inter canopy. A
        potential to spread to cut boxwood   hatched caterpillars feed on the
        stems used in holiday decorations.   underside of the leaf, then continue   Insecticides-Commercial
                                             to defoliate the plant as they grow
                                             larger, and eventually strip the bark   Pictures courtesy of https://cals.
                                             under heavy feeding conditions.
                                             Depending on the weather,             integrated-pest-management/
                                             caterpillars mature into adult moths   outreach-education/fact-sheets/
                                             in about 14 days. The BTM can have    box-tree-moth
                                             several overlapping generations
                                             between May
                                             and October.
                                             They overwinter                          Stanton Gill, Extension Specialist
                                             as caterpillars                          in Nursery and Greenhouse
                                             and can survive                          Entomology and IPM, Central
                                             at temps as low                          Maryland Research and Education
                                                                                      Center, University of Maryland
                                             as -22F (-30C).                          Extension and Professor with
                                             The multiple                             the Sustainable Agriculture
                                             overlapping                              and Environmental Horticulture
                                             generations                              Program, Montgomery College
                                             during the

 Eggs are deposited on the underside of boxwood leaves

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