Page 33 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
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stakeholders. Known for his knack for   network of support      “Stanton was a good friend and
        gathering people, Stanton organized   that strengthened         an incredibly knowledgeable
        the annual horticulture holiday lunch,   Maryland’s horticultural
        bringing warmth and connection to    community.                 advisor. His willingness to
        an industry that thrived on his efforts   “Stanton was a good
        to build camaraderie. He volunteered   friend and an incredibly   always help out was impressive
        tirelessly at MNLGA’s booth during   knowledgeable              and very welcomed.”
        MANTS, ensuring members were         advisor,” said Mark
        well-represented. He was a consistent   Dougherty of Chapel                                 Mark Dougherty
        decades-long presence in this very   Valley Landscape                     Chapel Valley Landscape Company.
        magazine, where his articles on pest   Company. “His
        management set a standard for        willingness to always                 his professional expertise; he was
        practical, timely advice.
                                             help out was impressive and very      a mentor and friend to many. Brett
        Beyond his entomology expertise,     welcomed.” Dennis Potts of Potts      Karp of Griffin noted, “Stanton was
        Stanton embraced broader             Consulting echoed this sentiment:     more than just a horticulturist; he
        green industry issues, from solar    “He was always quick to respond       was a devoted steward of nature, a
        energy to biocontrols. His ability to   to plant healthcare questions and   teacher, a mentor, and a friend to
        unite professionals from various     identifications. He was a pleasure    many. His enthusiasm for the industry
        sectors—landscape contractors,       to work with over the years, and his   and tireless dedication to sharing
        greenhouse growers, nursery          presence will be greatly missed.”     his knowledge left a mark on all who
        owners, and retailers—fostered a                                           knew him.”
                                             Stanton’s influence extended beyond
                                                                                                      (continued on next page)

                                                                                             Membership Matters • WINTER 2024   33
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