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              he Maryland horticulture       calling. Initially a pre-med student at   issues, always eager to share his vast
              community is mourning          the University of Maryland, his path   knowledge. He was instrumental
        Tthe sudden loss of Stanton          shifted after meeting horticulture    in establishing the two-year
        Andrew Gill, a revered entomologist,   student Ray Bosmans. Captivated by   Landscape Technology program
        educator, and friend who passed      a class on fruit cultivation, Stanton   at Montgomery College, where he
        away unexpectedly on October 6,      changed his major and never looked    inspired and mentored hundreds of
        2024, at 72. For over five decades,   back.                                students, often taking them beyond
        Stanton Gill was the heartbeat of                                          the classroom to provide real-world
                                             He earned his bachelor’s degree in
        Maryland’s horticulture industry,                                          experiences. His talks at seminars
                                             horticulture with a minor in plant
        uniting communities, advancing pest                                        and contributions to the University of
                                             genetics in 1974 and completed a
        management, and fostering a legacy                                         Maryland Extension Weekly Report
                                             master’s degree in entomology in
        of learning and friendship.                                                became essential resources for IPM
                                             1980. His deep interest in insects
        Born on August 10, 1952, to Austin   and plants laid the foundation for a   technicians and landscape crews
        and Rosalia Gill, Stanton grew up    career that would influence countless   across the region.
        in Silver Spring, Maryland. Although   professionals and enthusiasts.      As a trusted advisor to the
        horticulture roots run deep in his                                         Maryland Nursery, Landscape, and
                                             A cornerstone of the University of
        family—his great-grandparents                                              Greenhouse Association, he played
                                             Maryland at the Central Maryland
        operated an orchard in Pennsylvania,                                       a crucial role in shaping event
                                             Research and Education Center
        and his grandfather grew potatoes                                          agendas and encouraging the
                                             (CMREC), Stanton advised
        for liquor —it wasn’t until his college                                    organization to co-sponsor Extension
                                             commercial nurseries and
        years that he discovered his true                                          events, reinforcing ties between
                                             greenhouses on pest and plant
                                                                                   the association and industry

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