Page 22 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
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Hands-On Merchandising Workshop at Homestead Gardens
n Wednesday November 6
the MNLGA welcomed Dr.
OBridget Behe, Professor
Emeritus from Michigan State
University, to lead a hands-on retail
merchandising workshop. Dr. Behe
chose the MNLGA members as her
last lecturing engagement before
retiring. Bridget was joined by 26
members excited to learn, expand
their knowledge and get hands-
on experience with their display
Dr. Bridget Behe welcoming and telling the attendees about the day.
products presented to consumers. importance of signage and how to
The day featured interactive create it effectively. The groups then
discussions, invaluable tips and She also talked about the importance took a short time to create the display
tricks, and crucial ways to use the of drawing the customer in when signs for the display they made
store's merchandise to grow and on the floor; if they have picked up during the morning sessions. After
promote sales. The participants a product, offer a cart; this will likely each group completed that, Dr. Behe
were from retail centers of all sizes, spark a conversation about what discussed how signage helps make
from a consultant to our event host, they are looking for. On average, a the whole creative vision come to life.
Homestead Gardens of Davidsonville. customer gives 3-5 seconds when
Bridget shared some research she deciding their interest in the product. The weather was abnormally
had done as a professor and led The group talked about ways to warm for a November day, which
many discussions on what works and, effectively pull the customer in. allowed the hands-on portions of the
mostly importantly, why. Participants got an hour to create a workshop to take place outside the
The participants were divided into plant display using the plants and workshop space.
small groups to put into practice display options provided. Each group A huge thank you goes out to the
the information that Bridget shared. had different ideas about what Homestead Gardens' staff, especially
They talked about the placement of and how they wanted to display. Megan McMullen and Gretchen
Collaborating with participants from Misner, for coordinating everything
plants and products, how customers
other companies was a great way at Homestead. The MNLGA cannot
"read a display," and how best
to get their creative juices flowing. thank Dr. Bridget Behe enough for
to share information about the
Participants then peer-reviewed the choosing to give her last presentation
plant product without overloading
displays, offering what they liked, to our members. Thank you to
a sign. Dr. Behe discussed the
what they thought worked or didn’t our Annual Wye Oak and Black-
effectiveness of using a QR code
work, and where the eye was drawn. Eyed Susan Sponsors for making
on displays to share instructions,
insights, and expectations about the After lunch, Bridget discussed the workshops like this possible. A
22 WINTER 2024 • Free State News