Page 17 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
P. 17

• ‘Winter Interlude’ has 1.5 inch semi
          double pink petals surrounding a
          mix of pink and cream petaloids or
          tiny petals.

         • ‘Winter’s Rose’ has 2 inch wide pink
          flowers with notched overlapping
          petals that can last on the plants
          for 4-6 weeks. It is a miniature plant
          that grows only 2-3 feet tall and
          wide, perfect for small spaces.

         • ‘Winter’s Snowman’ has snow white
          ruffled semi double to anemone
          flowers with a tuft of mini petals
          and bright yellow stamens in the
          center boss. The plants can grow
          10-12 feet tall and 5-7 feet wide.

         • ‘Winter’s Charm’ has lovely ruffled
          semi double peony form flowers
          that are pink with a flush of
          lavender surrounding a boss of
          bright yellow stamens in mid-to-late
          autumn on plants that grow 5-7
          feet tall and 4-6 feet wide.
         • ‘Winter’s Fancy’ has 3-4 inch semi
          double flowers that bloom pinkish
          purple with the plants and grows
          6-8 feet tall and 5-7 feet wide.     Camellia sasaqua. bonaza

         • ‘Polar Ice’ with 3- 3.5 inch icy white   1.5 to 3 inches long, are oval, and   a sign of chlorosis caused by alkaline
          petals resembling peonies and at   attached to the stems in an alternate   soils. Lowering the soil pH with sulfur
          least 12 petals that surround tiny   fashion. There are a number of insects   and adding iron chelates will help the
          petals and golden stamens.         that can be pests including aphids,   health of the plants.  A

         • ‘Snow Flurry’ has white 3–4 inch   plant hoppers, scale and spider mites.   Photo credit: Ginny Rozenkranz
          flowers in an anemone form, with   Diseases can include anthracnose,
          12 snow white petals that surround   black mold (if scale are attacking
          tiny petals and golden stamens.    the foliage), canker, fungal diseases,
                                             leaf spots, root rot and viruses.
        Not only do the flowers enhance
                                             Petal blight might be a problem
        every landscape, they also provide
                                             but with the cooler temperatures
        nectar to many autumn pollinators
                                             in the autumn, the fall blooming
        and the plants provide both shelter
                                             camellias don’t usually have petal
        and food for songbirds and small                                             Ginny Rosenkranz
                                             blight. The fall blooming camellia is
        mammals. Fall blooming camellias                                             Extension Educator, Commercial
                                             also resistant to Phytophthora root     Horticulture, University of Maryland
        also have beautiful, year-round,
                                             rot, and are tolerant to drought, salt   Extension, Dorchester, Somerset,
        glossy dark green leaves that are
                                             and moderate deer browsing. If the      Wicomico and Worchester County
        smaller and more delicate than their
                                             fall blooming camellias have yellow     410 749-6141 x106
        spring blooming cousins. They grow                                 
                                             leaves with green veins, that is usually
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