Page 13 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2024_WEB
P. 13


        Camellias: Tree with Shining


          n China, Camellias were known
          as ‘tree with shining leaves’,
        Ibut in North America we truly
        treasure Camellias for their beautiful
        flowers against the backdrop of
        their shiny dark green leaves. The
        Camellia japonica possibly arrived
        in London in 1650, and was called
        Tay or Tee. In the spring it produces
        very large flowers in reds, pinks,
        whites, and combinations of all 3.
        Camellia sasanqua is known as the
        fall blooming Camellias and thrives
        in the afternoon shade and morning
        sun with slightly acidic, moist but well
        drained soil, that has been enhanced
        with compost. Plant soil balls should
        be planted about 2 inches above
        the ground and with a light covering
        of mulch to shade the roots and
        maintain soil moisture in summer
        and keep the roots warmer in winter.
        C. sasanqua is a graceful evergreen
        shrub or small tree with arching
        branches and can be used as a
        specimen flowering tree, a foundation                                        Yuletide fall blooming camellia flowers
        shrub, an evergreen hedge, and
        even espaliered against a wall or    double rows of petals, that surround   days before the petals cascade to
        fence. Depending on the variety, C.   a central boss of bright yellow      the ground, creating a colorful carpet
        sasanqua can grow from 3 feet to     stamens. These blooms, smaller        of color mirroring the flowers still on
        14 feet tall. One of the reasons why   but more abundant than the spring   the plants. Fall blooming Camellias
        the fall blooming Camellias are so   blooming Camellias, can bloom         bloom in bright shiny reds, pinks,
        popular is the profusion of their 2–3   from September through December,   white and even in a blue-lavender
        inch fragrant flowers that range from   depending on the variety of Camellia.   flower, which is called a Green’s
        a single row of petals, semi double, or   The individual flowers only last a few           (continued on next page)

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