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MNLGA 2024 Scholarship Recipients

                                              is learning everything she can about   through artistic choices designed
                                              growing food and plants in order to   for the unique physical, cognitive,
                                              expand GroGive into a greenhouse    and sensory ways that disabled
                                              and storefront that helps others    individuals experience the world. At
                                              learn to home garden. She has a     the same time, Woody Plants and
                                              comprehensive long-term vision      Planting Design have been two of her
                                              for sustainable horticulture in her   favorite courses. She loves puzzling
                                              community that starts with being    out how to match varied species’
                                              able to complete her bachelor’s     individual needs and preferences into
                                              degree at CSU.                      beautiful designs.

                                                                                  When, in her second year, the campus
                                                                                  golf course sought help turning an
                                                                                  area decimated by a storm into a
        Cristi Demnowicz – 2024 MNLGA                                             learning meadow, she volunteered
        Scholarship Award Recipient                                               to develop a planting plan. After
                                                                                  the initial design, she collaborated
        Cristi has dreamed of being a
                                                                                  with Empire Landscape, LLC, an
        gardener/farmer since she was a
                                                                                  environmental restoration company,
        child. Life has taken her in many
                                                                                  on the final plan. That process
        directions, but ultimately brought her
                                                                                  taught her much about planting
        back to her original dream about 15
                                                                                  and maintenance strategies. She
        years ago. During the pandemic she
                                                                                  has continued to gain familiarity
        dove headfirst into food gardening
                                                                                  with the plants of this region and
        and started her own food security
                                                                                  implementation processes during her
        social benefit company GroGive        Elliott Kenney – 2024 MNLGA         time working at Backyard Bounty, a
        (Benefit, LLC). She uses a buy one –   Scholarship Award Recipient        design-build company focused on
        give one model. She makes and sells
                                              Elliott is currently a graduate     restorative practices and native
        garden related items, and for every
                                              student at University of Maryland,   plants, under the tutelage of
        $100 in sales, she grows and donates
                                              College Park, studying Landscape    experienced garden designers. She
        a vegetable plant to someone in one
                                              Architecture. Her studies at the    aims to bring these skills with her
        of Baltimore’s many food deserts.
                                              University of Maryland have instilled   after graduation into a landscape
        Through four years of sales, she
                                              in her two areas of interest: beauty   architecture career creating planting-
        has been able to donate over 250
                                              in access and planting design.      focused accessible designs in parks
        plants, with the help of community
                                              Her thesis project will focus on    and public gardens. A
        partners. This fall she will be a
                                              disability-centered design in parks,
        senior at Colorado State University,
                                              taking accessibility a step further
        studying Horticulture Business. She

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