Page 4 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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                                             I am retiring from the MNLGA board.

                                             After two years serving as the President of the MNLGA I still love our industry
                                             and the people in it who share the same passion for plants and for the
                                             environment. That says a lot, serving the public comes with hard work,
                                             persistence, sacrifices, discipline, criticism, doubts, and sometimes failures. But
                                             all of these contrived negatives attract a positive – SUCCESS. The MNLGA is one
                                             of the fortunate associations with committed members that will roll up their
                                             sleeves, put on the boots, and move forward with whatever comes down the
                                             pike to align with the ornamental horticulture industry and its future demands.
                                             Membership matters. The MNLGA could not exist without its diverse
                                             membership profile. This profile gives us the knowledge to tackle the
                                             challenges we undertake with confidence. In the coming months the MNLGA
        JOHN MURPHY                          will have a membership drive to continue recruiting new members. Pass the
        Murphy John's, Inc.                  word that the MNLGA needs you.

                                             Thank you MNLGA members for a decade long tour of Maryland’s finest
                                             ornamental horticultural professional associations. While serving on the board
                                             during the past 10 years I have worked alongside landscape professionals
                                             for the betterment of the 2nd largest industry in the State of Maryland. The
                                             agenda set by the MNLGA board each year has included all of the specific
                                             goals listed on our Mission Statement. Each one of these goals is necessary
                                             to keep Maryland’s horticultural industry informed, educated, compliant,
                                             and profitable. The MNLGA’s clarity and determination to guide its members
                                             through the everyday challenges we plow through is loud and clear. Our
                                             member profile is very diverse with various opinions on many matters, yet we
                                             all come together to find common ground. My time on the board has given me
                                             first-hand knowledge of how united our industry is.

                                             Most of all I would like to thank my wife, Maureen (Mo), for enduring my
                                             absences while serving the MNLGA. I would not have been able to adhere to
                                             my responsibilities without Mo’s help. A

                                             John Murphy
                                             President Murphy John’s Inc.

                                             President Maryland Nursery Landscape and Greenhouse Association (MNLGA)
                                             Agricultural Commissioner (Nursery II) Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA)
                                             Chairman Maryland Green Industry Council (MaGIC)
                                             MDA Representative State Soil Conservation Committee

        Maureen and John

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