Page 6 - MNLGA Free State Winter 2023_WEB
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As we close out yet another year, I’d like to take the time to thank all those
who make the MNLGA such a strong community, meaningful in purpose and
committed to providing for the greater good for its individual professionals as
well as businesses.
This community includes our board of directors, committee members, the
ever-so-dedicated Free State writers, and many, many others, including you.
Whether you’ve responded to the call (which literally would have been a phone
call from Mark Dougherty) to serve on the board or task force, to serve as an
industry representative on a state or regional commission, shared your opinion
on the impact of proposed legislation, become a CPH, or simply attended an
MNLGA sponsored educational event, you have served the MNLGA and helped to
promote its success. And I thank you for that.
VANESSA A. FINNEY As with any organization, we cannot rest on our laurels, say “good job,”
Executive Director maintain the status quo, and neglect our need to grow and innovate in our
ever-changing world. In order to remain pertinent and purposeful, and the
recognized lead representative for Maryland’s ornamental horticulture industry,
we must continue to shore up our foundation as well as provide innovative and
relevant programming, educational events, expert testimony, and networking
opportunities. And to do that, we need people. We need you to continue your
involvement and we need you to bring new members to the association to help
us grow and continue to flourish.
Earlier this fall, the MNLGA launched its Seeding Success Membership Referral
campaign. You all should have received information vie e-mail and US mail,
promoting how you can be involved with our continued, future success. ICYMI
(that’s social media lingo for In Case You Missed It), please read more about our
program and efforts on page 34 of this issue of Free State.
The MNLGA is a thriving, evolving organization. Let’s share the community
and expertise that we have to become even stronger. There’s benefit to all, for
Its been a pleasure and honor to serve the industry with you for another year.
May you all have a blessed New Year. A
Vanessa Finney
Executive Director, MNLGA
"New Year - a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we
write it. The choice is ours."
Alex Merritt
6 WINTER 2023 • Free State News