Page 175 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 175
First term 2025 Experience in English
Prefix/Suffix Function Examples
any- تعطً معنً أيanybody / anyone / anytime
no- تعطً معنً لا ٌوجدnobody / no one
some- العدد- تعطً معنً ٌوجد لكن بدون تحدٌد الكمsomething/somebody/someone
mis- تعطً عكس الكلمةmisunderstanding
keep secrets ٌحفظ الأسرار
a problem /friends أصدلاء/ لدٌه مشكله
get an opinion / similar interests اهتمامات متشابهة/ رأي
show anxious ٌملك – ٌشعر بالملك
a secret ٌخبر سر
a computer / technology ٌظهر التفاهم
ٌستخدم التكنولوجٌا
anxious worried that something bad might happen يشغٕل انثال- لهك
cyberbullying (wnh)en you say unkind or cruel things about someone online انرًُش الإنكرشَٔي
embarrassed feeling uncomfortable when people are watching you يكغٕف- يذشج
انذياج الاجرًاػيح
or after they have seen you do something that you
think is wrong or not very good
social life the time you spend enjoying yourself with other people
appearance the way that someone or something looks .انًظٓش انخاسجي
secret something that you do not want other people to know عشي
understanding showing that you understand a person's feelings and situation ذفاْى
negative seeing only bad things عهثی
positive seeing only good things ايجاتی
clear easy to understand طافي- ٔاػخ
support help and encourage someone. يغاَذ- يذػى
upset unhappy because something bad has happened منزعج
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