Page 179 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 179

First term 2025                           Experience in English

‫إثبات‬                   ‫ٌجب أن‬     ‫فاعل‬    must            ‫… مصدر‬
  ً‫نف‬                  ‫لا ٌجب أن‬   ‫فاعـل‬  mustn’t                    …
                       ‫هل ٌجب أن‬  Must
‫سؤال بهل‬                          must       ‫فاعل‬                    …
  ‫سؤال بأداة أستفها م‬       Wh.              ‫فاعل‬

1) I must repair the roof before winter comes.
2) I really must stop eating so many biscuits.

1) Drivers must follow traffic rules.
2) Students must write their answers in ink.

1) You must study hard to get high marks. (I strongly advise you to...)
2) You must wash your hands before you eat.

1) It’s a great book. You really must read it.
2) You really must come and see us soon.

1) You mustn’t go out without a coat. ( = Don't go out without a coat.)
2) You mustn’t tell anyone about it. It’s a secret.
3) You must be very quiet. You mustn’t make any noise.

1) Students must not use dictionaries in the examination.
2) You mustn’t eat in the library. It isn’t allowed.
3) You mustn’t walk on the grass. Look at the sign.

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