Page 178 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 178

First term 2025                                             Experience in English

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1) "…………………" is the unkind things we say or write about someone online.

a. Texting       b. Suggesting           c. Thinking             d. cyberbullying

2) Try not to have negative thoughts."................" is opposite in meaning to "negative".

a. Careful       b. Hateful              c. Positive             d. Competitive

3) The prefix "mis-" in the verb "misunderstand" means………………….

a. again         b. between              c. across               d. wrongly

4) To get the adjective of "help" we can add the suffix……………………

5) a.-ly         b.-ful                       C.-able            d.-ment

6) The antonym of the word "upset" is……………………...

a. Sad           b. happy                c. free                 d. angry

7) Some people are embarrassed about being so tall or so short. They should be

positive Embarrassed here means to feel……………..……….... .

a. Comfortable   b. uncomfortable        c. happy                d. kind

8) The unkind text messages made her feel really…………….………....

a. Upset         b. Excited                   c. Important       d. positive

9) I get……………………………...about exams.

a. Anxious       b. lost                 c. wet                  d. sleep

10) She has a negative opinion about her………………………. She thinks she isn't beautiful.

a. Appearance    b. language             c. diet                 d. Subject

11) We can…………………………our experience with others on social media.

a. Hide          b. share                c. encourage            d. get

12) A……………………… something that you don't want other people to know.

a. Skill         b. study                c. secret               d. text

13) ”……………………………….” means unhappy because something bad has happened.

a. Careful       b. Clear                c. Positive             d. Upset

14) The time you spend enjoying yourself with other people


a. social life   b. social club          c. social problem       d. bullying

15) The synonym of the word……………………… apparent.

a. Kind          b. similar              c. anxious              d. clear

16) There isn't anybody in the meeting.............................came to the meeting.

a. Anybody       b. Nobody               c. Somebody             d. Something

17) Mum made the cake alone. That means she made it………………………any help.

a. With          b. without              c. by                   d. for

18) Salma fell off the chair and her friends laughed at her, so she felt……………………..

a. Shocked       b. embarrassed          c. surprised            d. Interested

19) We are not similar. We…………………..different opinions.

a. Hold          b. catch                c. have                 d. Carry

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