Page 65 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 65

First term 2025          Experience in English

                               The best quality and prices!

    These beautiful wooden boxes can be used for jewellery. They are
decorated with shells in traditional designs. They are made by artists near
the coast.
The leather industry is one of the oldest in Egypt and our bags are the
best quality. The leather is very soft.
We sell many different types of pots in different colours for your home. The
artists paint the pots with traditional Arabic designs.
Egypt has a long history of making beautiful carpets. These colourful,
modern carpets will look amazing in any home. Call or email us to find out special offers.

win   - ‫ مٌدالٌة‬- ‫ سباق‬- ‫ لعبة‬- ‫ مباراة‬- ‫ ٌكسب ( كأس‬/ ‫ ٌفوز‬It was great at the football
gain                                      )‫ مسابمة – جابزة‬stadium. My team won 2-0!
       ، ‫ خبرة‬، ‫ ٌكسب وزن أو شا معنوي ؛ معلومات‬I gained a lot of weight while
                                           ... ‫ شهرة‬I was on holiday.

               ) ‫ ٌكسب مال أو معٌشته ( بشرط العمل‬He earns over a million dollars a year.

miss   ) ‫ شخص‬- ‫ شا‬- ‫ ٌفوته ( وسٌلة مواصلات‬/ ‫ ٌفمد‬You missed the show. You
lose                                                     should have arrived earlier.
              ) ‫ وزن‬- ‫ ولت‬- ‫ ٌفمد ؛ ٌخسر ( شا‬A shark attacked Omar and he
      )‫ إنتخابات‬- ‫ سباق‬- ‫ مسابمة‬- ‫ ٌنهزم ( مباراة‬lost a leg.

           ) ‫ فرٌك‬- ‫ عدو‬- ‫ ٌفوز على ( شخص‬/ ‫ ٌهزم‬Ali never beats me at chess.

Mr. Hatem El Sherif  65  01100049437
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