Page 67 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 67

First term 2025                                                    Experience in English

6) My bag is the best…………. .The leather is very soft.

a. quality       b. size                 c. height                          d. colour

7) He switched on the mobile. This means he……………..on the mobile.

a. turned        b. broke                c. bought                          d. last

8) I just emailed you a form to……………….. in to get a new password.

a. fill                   b. log                       c. check                      d. sell

9) Don't forget to……………………………your computer when you aren't using it.

a. turn on       b. turn out             c. turn into                       d. turn off

10) The mobile battery is empty. I need to……………………

a. choose        b. charge               c. run into                        d. make

11) Aswan is famous for Egyptian……………………….from leaves.

a. shells        b. handicrafts          c. statues                         d. batteries

12) Some websites ask you using your email.

a. log                    b. plug                      c. turn                       d. make

13) To……………. in is to put in information so that you can use a computer.

a. log                    b. turn                      c. check                      d. charge

14) To……………………in is to connect equipment to electricity.

a. place         b. Play                 c. plug                            d. put

15) The word "rob" can be turned into a noun by adding…………………………

a.-er b.-ir c.-ist d.-est

16) The opposite of the word "wrong" is "…………………………….”

a. turned        b. low                  c. high                            d. Right

17) The synonym of the word "colourful" is "…………………………..”

a. right         b. bright               c. clear                           d. plain

18) I just email you to fill in the form I gave you. "Fill in" can have the same meaning as……..

a. complete               b. design                    c. make                       d. deal

19) The laptop suddenly turned off. "Turned off" means……………………………..working.

a. had                    b. begin                     c. started                    d. stopped

20) It's fantastic to walk. ……………………..the Nile.

a. along         b. round                c. around                          d. ahead

21) Sally is interested…………………………….traditional art.

a. in                     b. of                        c. for                        d. about

22) This icon is used for………………………... the website.

a. enter         b. entered              c. enters                          d. entering

23) These shirts are sold……………………………………different sizes and colours.

a. about         b. to                   c. in                              d. with

24) These beautiful handicrafts help them……………………………….money.

a. do                     b. earn                      c. lose                       d. fill

25) Giza is famous.………………the Pyramids and the Sphinx.

a. of b. for                             c. at                              d. In

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