Page 68 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 68

First term 2025                                                Experience in English

            Form                       Negative                  Interrogative

I                               I                                        I
You                             You                                      you
We                              We                                       we
They                            They                                     they
He                              He                                       he
She                             She                                      she
It                              It                                       it

I lived in Cairo. They            I didn’t live in Giza.       Did you live in Cairo?
arrived early. He
studied English.                  They didn’t arrive late. He  Did they arrive late?

                                  didn’t study maths.          Did he study English?

in (1983)              ً‫ف‬       I bought my car in              Ali played tennis.
yesterday            ‫أمس‬        2015.                          Tennis was played
                                                               by Ali.
(2 days) ago           ‫منذ‬      Dina lived in Giza for
last (week)       ً‫الماض‬        15 years.                       Ali didn’t play tennis.
one day           ‫ذات مرة‬       He travelled a lot              Tennis wasn’t played
                  ‫ذات ٌوم‬       when he was young.              by Ali.

in the past       ً‫فً الماض‬     I wrote the message.            Did Ali play tennis?
                                Then, I sent it.                Was tennis played?
How long ago           ً‫منذ مت‬
                                Once upon a time                Where did Ahmed
that (day)        ‫ذلن الٌوم‬     there was a king …              play tennis?

the other day     ‫أول أمس‬       If he studied hard, he          Where was tennis
                                would succeed.                  played?
the last time     ‫آخر مرة‬
once upon a time ‫ذات مرة‬

in ancient times ‫لذيًا‬

formerly          ‫فٌما سبك‬

previously        ‫فٌما سبك‬

in the middle ages
             ً‫فً العصور الوسط‬

from (2000) to (2010)

Mr. Hatem El Sherif             68
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