Page 78 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 78

First term 2025                   Experience in English

complain (v) about - against   ‫ ٌشكو‬Ahmed complained about not having

complaint (n)                          enough pocket money..

                              ‫ شكوي‬Ahmed made a complaint about not having

                                       enough pocket money.

order ( v)                                   ‫ ٌطلب‬- ‫ ٌأمر‬He ordered her to clean his room.
order ( n)
                 ‫ طلب‬- ) ً‫ أمر ( تعلمٌات صادرة من مستوي أعل‬The officers gave orders to the
in order                                                         soldiers to move on.

                                            ‫ فً الترتٌب الصحٌح‬The teacher asked his students to
                                                                 put the words in order.

award                   ) ً‫ منحة – جابزة ( تعطً بعد لرار رسم‬The Nobel Prizes are awards
reward                                                            for people’s achievements.
present                                             ‫ ٌكافا‬Mr Mohamed will give Rawda a
                   ‫ مكافبة ( تعطً نتٌجة سلون أو عمل جٌد‬reward if he gets high marks.

                   ‫ جابزة ( تعطً نتٌجة النجاح فً منافسة او لعبة‬Dr Zewail got the Noble Prize
                                                 ‫ للمٌام بعمل جٌد‬for Chemistry.

                 ‫ هدٌة ( تعطً فً مناسبة خاصة دون طلب لاظهار‬My uncle gave me a present on
                                     ‫ الصدالة والمودة بٌن طرفٌن‬my birthday party.

try + to + inf.               ‫ ٌحاول بكل جهده‬Trying to think only about the present helps
                                                us to relax.
try + ing
                 ‫ ٌجرب لكً ٌري ما سٌحدث‬You should try getting up earlier in the


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