Page 88 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 88
First term 2025 Experience in English
Present meaning past P.P
think ٌفكر- ٌعتمدthought thought
put up put up
know ٌمٌم- ٌشٌدput up known
make a difference -having a good effect on a person, place ٌحدث تؽٌٌر
or situation
-change things in a good way
surprised what you feel when you do not expect something and it مندهش
seems strange or unusual
encourage -to try to make people do something by giving support and advice يشجغ
-try to persuade someone to do something
neighbourhood a small area of a town or village and the people مجاورة- حی
who live in it
survey a group of questions that you ask people to find out دراسة استطلاعٌة
information about something
equal opportunities having the same chances in life as other people. فرص متساوٌة
facilities equipment, rooms, etc. that people can use to do something
مرافك/ تسهٌلات
leisure time when you are not working ترفٌه/ ولت فراغ
health care looking after people's health رعاٌة صحٌة
خدمات عامة
public services services, such as electricity and water that help the
members of a community
deliver take something such as a letter to a place old or becoming old بوصل/ ٌسلم
elderly متمدم فً السن
رصٌؾ الشارع
pavement the part that you walk on in a city that is next to a road
Mr. Hatem El Sherif 88 01100049437