Page 88 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 88

First term 2025                                    Experience in English

Present          meaning           past                         P.P

think                    ‫ ٌفكر‬- ‫ ٌعتمد‬thought                   thought
put up                                                          put up
know                     ‫ ٌمٌم‬- ‫ ٌشٌد‬put up                     known

                          ‫ ٌعرؾ‬knew

make a difference -having a good effect on a person, place               ‫ٌحدث تؽٌٌر‬
                              or situation

                 -change things in a good way

surprised what you feel when you do not expect something and it          ‫مندهش‬

         seems strange or unusual

encourage -to try to make people do something by giving support and advice ‫يشجغ‬

         -try to persuade someone to do something

neighbourhood a small area of a town or village and the people          ‫ مجاورة‬- ‫حی‬

         who live in it

survey   a group of questions that you ask people to find out           ‫دراسة استطلاعٌة‬
         information about something

equal opportunities having the same chances in life as other people.    ‫فرص متساوٌة‬
facilities equipment, rooms, etc. that people can use to do something
                                                                        ‫ مرافك‬/ ‫تسهٌلات‬

leisure  time when you are not working                                  ‫ ترفٌه‬/ ‫ولت فراغ‬

health care looking after people's health                               ‫رعاٌة صحٌة‬
                                                                        ‫خدمات عامة‬
public services services, such as electricity and water that help the

                          members of a community

deliver take something such as a letter to a place old or becoming old    ‫ بوصل‬/ ‫ٌسلم‬
elderly                                                                 ‫متمدم فً السن‬
                                                                        ‫رصٌؾ الشارع‬
pavement the part that you walk on in a city that is next to a road

Mr. Hatem El Sherif                88                           01100049437
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