Page 92 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 92

First term 2025                                               Experience in English

7) To make the noun of the word "pave", we add the suffix "......................”

a.-ment          b.-sion              c.-tion                                         d. -ness

8) Sarah-is interested in modern art. The synonym of "modern" in this sentence is …………........

a. old           b. aged                          c. recent                           d. near

9) He didn't win the prize, so he felt…………………………

a. proud         b. disappointed      c. interested                                   d. excited

10) The school is...................................up new lights in the playground.

a. writing       b. putting           c. reading                                      d. stopping

11) When you try to make people do something by giving support and advice, you……… them.

a. encourage     b. invent            c. explore                                      d. text

12) There are many local…………….………..for the elderly and disabled people in our country.

a. differences   b. headings          c. facilities                                   d. streetlights

13) You can make a…………….…when you have a good effect on a person, place or situation.

a. reference     b. difference                    c. heading                          d. reason

14) Doing…………………….……… helps the government study people's problems.

a. surveys       b. activities        c. troubles                                     d. streets

15) People in ……………………………areas work as farmers.

a. rural         b. urban             c. city                                         d. town

16) The President started the Decent Life……….………. for poor people who live in villages.

a. Effect        b. Initiative        c. Festival                                     d. Machine

17) The………………………..… is the part that you walk on in a city that is next to a road.

a. platform      b. pavement                      c. station                          d. stop

18) ………………….….is what you feel when you do not expect something and it seems strange

or unusual.

a. Encouraged    b. Surprised         c. Educated                                     d. Communicated

19) The antonym of "strange" is"………………..…………….”

a. normal        b. abnormal          c. unusual                                      d. difficult

20) To give the opposite of the word "usual" we add the prefix "..........................”            b. in-                           c. un-                              d. im-

21) We add the prefix”…………..” to the word "courage" to give the opposite of "encourage”

a. ir-           b. mis-                          c. im-                              d. dis-

22) If something is…………………… to people, they can easily use it or get it.

a. accessible    b. unavailable       c. unusual                                      d. indirect

23) To have the same chances in life as other people mean to have equal…………………..

a. opinions      b. opportunities                 c. events                           d. leisure

24) The initiative aims………………..…… improve the quality of public services.

a. in b. to c. of d. at

25) Smoking has a bad effect…………………………… lungs.

a. of b. at c. in d. on

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