Page 93 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 93
First term 2025 Experience in English
Form Negative Interrogative
I am I am not Am I
She is He he
اسم مفرد She isn’t Is she
You are It it
We اسم مفرد
They اسم مفرد
اسم جمع
You you
We aren’t Are we
They they
اسم جمع اسم جمع
I am reading. I’m not playing. He Am I studying?
He is watching TV. isn’t sleeping. Is he watching TV? Are
They are studying. They aren’t playing. you reading?
look انظر ) ( أثناء الكلام
He is reading a book
listen استمع now. Ali is playing tennis.
Tennis is being
now الان حدث مؤلت لفترة لصٌرة played by Ali.
) (لٌس أثناء الكلام
right now حالا My cousins are Ali isn’t playing tennis.
staying with us this
at the moment في ْزِ انهذظح week. Tennis isn’t being
at present فً الحاضر Dad’s working very
hard these days. Is he playing tennis?
at the present time Is tennis being
)( محددة المكان والزمان played?
فً الولت الحاضر I’m travelling to
France tomorrow. Where is Ali playing
still مازال I can’t see you this tennis?
evening. I’m doing my Where is tennis
today الٌوم homework. being played?
tonight اللٌله 01100049437
this week, … هذا الاسبوع
these days هذه الاٌام
nowadays هذه الاٌام
watch out إحترس
look إحترس
Hurry up أسرع
Mr. Hatem El Sherif 93