Page 93 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 93

First term 2025                                                        Experience in English

            Form                               Negative                Interrogative

I           am                       I am not                          Am I
She         is                       He                                he
‫اسم مفرد‬                             She isn’t          Is she    
You         are                      It                                         it
We                                                                               ‫اسم مفرد‬
They                                 ‫اسم مفرد‬
‫اسم جمع‬
                                     You                               you

                                     We        aren’t                  Are we
                                     They                                       they

                                     ‫اسم جمع‬                           ‫اسم جمع‬

I am reading.                        I’m not playing. He               Am I studying?
He is watching TV.                   isn’t sleeping.                   Is he watching TV? Are
They are studying.                   They aren’t playing.              you reading?

look ‫انظر‬                            ) ‫( أثناء الكلام‬
                                     He is reading a book
listen               ‫استمع‬           now.                              Ali is playing tennis.
                                                                       Tennis is being
now ‫الان‬                                    ‫حدث مؤلت لفترة لصٌرة‬       played by Ali.
                                            ) ‫(لٌس أثناء الكلام‬
right now                      ‫حالا‬   My cousins are                   Ali isn’t playing tennis.
                                      staying with us this
at the moment ‫في ْزِ انهذظح‬           week.                            Tennis isn’t being
at present           ‫فً الحاضر‬        Dad’s working very
                                      hard these days.                 Is he playing tennis?
at the present time                                                    Is tennis being
                                              )‫( محددة المكان والزمان‬  played?
              ‫فً الولت الحاضر‬         I’m travelling to
                                      France tomorrow.                 Where is Ali playing
still ‫مازال‬                           I can’t see you this             tennis?
                                      evening. I’m doing my            Where is tennis
today                ‫الٌوم‬            homework.                        being played?

tonight              ‫اللٌله‬                                               01100049437

this week, …         ‫هذا الاسبوع‬

these days           ‫هذه الاٌام‬

nowadays             ‫هذه الاٌام‬

watch out            ‫إحترس‬

look ‫إحترس‬


Hurry up             ‫أسرع‬

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