Page 158 - Workbook 2020 updated 2
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National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.
"To Foster a Spirit of Sisterhood Among Teachers and to Promote the Highest Ideals of the Teaching Profession"
80th Midwest Regional Conference
Y. E. S. Program Committee KUDOS
Regional Chair: Jeannette Webb
SORORAL YEAR 2019-2020
Date Report sent: March 6, 2020
Chapter Name: BETA MU Region: Midwest
Committee Name: KUDOS
Chapter Program Chair: Judy Ball; Doris Wilson
Chapter Basileus: Onitta Parker KUDOS
Phone: 219 - 614- 8906 Email :
Activities for the Year of 2019-2020
African American History
• February 22, 2020: The KUDOS, Advisors and Parents attended and participated in the Beta Mu
Chapter of The National Sorority of PhiDelta Kappa Inc. Black History Program titled "African
Americans and the Vote.• The KUDOS performed a talent in instrumental music. The Keynote
Speaker was Mausiki Scales, a community activist whose service to the community is educating
African Americans of Black History in our World.
3 Advisors. 8 XINOS.8 KUDOS,16 Parents, 40 sorority members and approximately 100 citizens
attended this program.
• February 22, 2020: The KUDOS and XINOS attended and participated, as hosts and hostesses at the
William l. Johnson Film Festival at the Glen Theatre 20 W.Ridge Rd. Gary, IN.
2 Advisors,5 XINOS, 2 KUDOS ,3 parents. 250 citizens
Volunteer Services
• October 20, 2019: The KUDOS, XINOS and three Advisors participated in the 3K Breast Cancer Walk-a-
thon at Hidden Lake in Merrillville, Indiana. We raised$250.00 for this cause.
16 XINOS,3 Advisors, 8 KUDOS. 24 Parents and 300{+) others participated•