Page 10 - Las Vegas LVQR Market Research Report Q1 2024
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Colliers   6
         Las Vegas  24Q1

           Investment Sales Volume vs. PPSF                       Glossary

              Sales Volume ($MM)   Price Per SF                   Industrial Subtypes
                                                                  Flex (FL): Buildings without dock-high loading doors with parking
              $350                                   $400         ratios in excess of 3.5/1,000 sf.

              $300                                   $350         Incubator (INC): General industrial buildings without dock-high
                                                                  loading doors that have a parking ratio lower than 3.5/1,000
              $250                                   $250         square feet and bay sizes smaller than 3,500 sf.
             Price Per SF  $200                      $200  Sales Volume ($MM)  Light Distribution (LD): General industrial buildings that include
                                                                  dock-high loading doors and have bay sizes of 50,000 square feet
                                                                  or smaller.
                                                                  Light Industrial (LI): General industrial buildings without dock-high
                                                     $100         loading doors that have a parking ratio lower than 3.5/1,000 sf
               $50                                   $50          and, in the case of multi-tenant buildings, bay sizes of at least
                                                                  3,500 square feet.
                $0                                   $0           Warehouse/Distribution (WD): Buildings with dock-high loading
                     23q1  23q2  23q3   23q4  24q1                doors that have bay sizes of at least 50,000 sf.

           Source: Colliers International                         Construction Definitions
          Sales                                                   Under Construction (UC): Project has gone vertical; i.e. foundation
                                                                  poured, walls framed or tilted, etc.
          Industrial investment sales volume this quarter was $109.3 million
          in 15 transactions totaling 518,468 sf at an average sales price of   Active Development (AD): Project is undergoing site work.
          $210.82 psf. This was comparable to sales volume one quarter and
                                                                  Planned Construction (PC): Project is scheduled to begin
          one year ago, but about one third the volume seen in the second
                                                                  construction within the next twelve months.
          and third quarters of 2023. The average cap rate for industrial
          sales this quarter was 5.7%.                            General Definitions
          User sales volume year-to-date was $34.7 million in 13 sales   Direct Lease: Space in a building offered for lease directly by the
          totaling 164,276 sf at an average price of $211.39 psf.  owner of the building.
          Forecast                                                Sublease: Space in a building that is offered for sublease by the
                                                                  primary tenant.
          The forecast for the industrial market is uncertain. 2024 should
          see the largest industrial expansion in the Valley’s history   Net Absorption: The difference in occupied square footage from
          continue with as much as 13 to 17 million sf in completions. With   one period to another.
          pre-leasing trending downward over the past year, this should
                                                                  Direct Availability Rate: The percentage of total inventory
          also mean higher vacancy rates and potentially downward
                                                                  available for direct lease, regardless of whether it is vacant.
          pressure on asking rental rates.
                                                                  Sublease Availability Rate: The percentage of total inventory
          While one could characterize this increase in vacant industrial
                                                                  available for sublease, regardless of whether it is vacant.
          space as a problem, it is also an opportunity, providing large
          contiguous speculative spaces for companies with an immediate   Availability Rate: The percentage of total inventory available for
          need for such space. Of greater worry is the rapid increase in   direct lease or sublease, regardless of whether that space is vacant
          vacant sub-lease space experienced over the past two quarters.   or occupied.
          This kind of expansion of vacant sublease space could forsage
                                                                  Vacancy Rate: The percentage of total inventory that is available
          softer demand for industrial space in the future.
                                                                  for direct lease or sublease that is vacant.

       Colliers | Las Vegas | 24Q1 | Industrial Report
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