Page 12 - Las Vegas LVQR Market Research Report Q1 2024
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                              Las Vegas  24Q1                         Key Takeaways
                                                                         Office vacancy increased to 11.4% in 24q1
                                                                         Net absorption decreased to -118,759 square feet
                                                                         The asking rental rate was $2.53 psf

                        YOY                          YOY             Under      YOY            Overall Asking    YOY
           Vacancy Rate              Net Absorption               Construction                Lease Rates (FSG)
           11.4%      FORECAST       -119K SF      FORECAST       263K SF     FORECAST        $2.53/ SF        FORECAST

       Las Vegas Office Hits a Rough Patch

           After hitting a recent low vacancy rate in the second quarter of 2023, office vacancy has increased for two consecutive quarters.
           Southern Nevada had -118,759 square feet of net absorption in the first quarter of 2024, sending vacancy up to 11.4%. The
           weighted average asking rental for office space decreased to $2.53 psf on a full service gross (FSG) basis.

       Market Indicators                                        Market Graph

           6.74%             2.85%              4.192%          500,000                                          16.0%
           Unemployment      GDP - Quarterly %   U.S. 10 Year   400,000
           Rate              change yr/yr       Treasury Note                                                    14.0%
       Historic Comparison                                      200,000                                          12.0%
                              23Q1     23Q4      24Q1           100,000                                          10.0%
                                                                     0                                           8.0%
        Total Inventory                                        -100,000                                          6.0%
        (in Millions of SF)     46.6     46.3      46.3        -200,000                                          4.0%
        New Supply             404.6    154.5      0.0         -300,000
        (in Thousands of SF)                                   -400,000                                          2.0%
                                                               -500,000                                          0.0%
        Net Absorption         205.7     33.3     -118.8                Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
        (in Thousands of SF)
                                                                            2021        2022        2023    2024

        Overall Vacancy        11.7%    11.2%     11.4%                 Absorption     New Supply      Total Vacancy

        Under Construction     230.8    230.8     262.9          Southern Nevada’s office market got off to a rough start in 2024
        (in Thousands of SF)                                     with -118,759 sf of net absorption and rising vacancy rates

        Overall Asking Lease
        Rates (FSG)            $2.50    $2.57     $2.53

        Recent Transactions

                   Lease            Lease            Lease            Lease           Sublease          Lease
        Colliers | Salt Lake County| 21Q1 | Office Report
               2460 Paseo Verde  1160 N Town Center  7905 W Sahara  9225 W Flamingo  7160 Rafael Rivers  1160 N Town Center
                  31,087 SF        14,190 SF         9,775 SF         8,703 SF         7,884 SF         6,048 SF
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17